Regardless of your true political beliefs or affiliations, if faced with choosing between Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, who would you choose?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 80
I'd go with Bernie Sanders. He seems to be more genuine in standing up for what he actually believes, rather than believing in whatever will help him get elected (which is more of how I view Hillary Clinton). Just my $0.02.
LTC (Join to see)
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SSG Laureano Pabon - anal bum cover for $7000
This election sounds like the wicked witch of the west Clinton will win. not my choice. Republicans are a b team in my opinion and Donald Trump does not have military experience!
This election sounds like the wicked witch of the west Clinton will win. not my choice. Republicans are a b team in my opinion and Donald Trump does not have military experience!
MCPO Roger Collins
Lots never served or had miniscule military experience and yet led the nation.
Which US Presidents never served in the military
13 American Presidents who never served in any sort of military unit. John Adams John Quincy Adams Martin Van Buren Millard Fillmore Grover Cleveland.
Of the two, Mr. Sanders. His views are consistent, concise, and clear. Though I don't agree with about half of them, I respect that he is decisive in nature, and knows where he stands in the world. He isn't pushing an "agenda," he is promoting a "philosophy."
At least he is consistent in his views and doesn't change them when the wind blows a different way.
At least he is consistent in his views and doesn't change them when the wind blows a different way.
1SG (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) - over that deceitful harpy? No contest. Fortunately, I will have other option in November.
SGT (Join to see)
the only vote Hillary is getting from me is hanging or firing squad. I should have made my position more clear.
Bernie Sanders, no contest. He's the only candidate running now that I like, from any party.
SSG (Join to see)
For some reason Bernie Sanders reminds me if the professor from Back to the Future. I can't get excited about any of the politicians in this election from either party. For some reason Rand Paul made sense during the debate but he's too isolationist.
MCPO Roger Collins
That got stuck to him by his opponents. I thought the same thing until I actually listened to what he said. He is one of the most intelligent of the bunch but can't get any traction.
CPT Ray Doeksen
Oh, I think he's getting some traction. Check out the Google search trend during the last debate: http://www.inquisitr.com/2717936/bernie-sanders-won-google-trends-search-interest-race-during-debate/
Bernie Sanders Won Google Trend’s ‘Search Interest’ Race During Debate
The pundits might say otherwise, but Bernie Sanders won Sunday’s debate, judging by search interest and post-debate polls.
I go with Richard Pryor from "Brewster's Millions." Vote NONE OF THE ABOVE. The leading candidates from both major parties are all unqualified for the position of President of the United States. They may meet the statutory requirements of the Constitution, but none of the top 4 or 5 have the credibility, experience, or character to right the ship. It's an embarrassing and frustrating cycle for 2016.
CPT Ray Doeksen
If you had to rank them in order, which comes first: credibility, experience or character? And what does "credibility" mean to you? I find Clinton less credible, more experienced in the Executive branch while I like Sanders for all three, really ... I think his years in the Senate are plenty of experience.
Interesting to note that in most of the replies, favorable and unfavorable, no one stated anything of substance that would effect someone's opinion that isn't left or right. What solutions do either of these people have to resolve the global meltdown, military and economically or our domestic issues. Such as the Labor Participation rate, the war on energy, U-6 total unemployment rates, hunger in America, National Debt, which, In my opinion is the greatest threat to the USA's future generation.........
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