Regardless of your true political beliefs or affiliations, if faced with choosing between Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, who would you choose?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 79
at this moment i say Bernie Sanders. As much as its about time we see a female in the office, im not convinces with Hilary.
I find it fascinating how career military personnel is complaining about "socialism". Either Hillary or Bernie is absolutely a better options than what the GOP has to offer in their car filled with nothing but clowns.
SrA Art Siatkowsky
I can't believe career military could possibly consider socialism....." the end goal of socialism is communism"....Lenin.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
That's just it Art, you need both Socialism and Capitalism. You can't have one without the other...Socialism without Capitalism is Communism and Capitalism without Socialism is Fascism.
CPT Ray Doeksen
SrA Art Siatkowsky - Communism didn't turn out like Lenin thought it would, he died in 1926 and Stalin had a lot more to do with directing the Communism that we all learned to hate and worry about. I don't think Lenin's quote applies to anything other than his particular brand of 1918-1926 anti-Tsarist revolution.
I don't know how you could vote for Sanders. He has a police record. This picture confirmed as him. He was protesting segregation in 1963.
Hopefully the FBI indicted Hillary and takes her out of the running. But With the last 44 presidents, It has always been a different affiliation after an 8yr term.
So the real question is Trump, Rand or Cruz. Rand is an awesome senator and military supporter. Trump regardless of being a Dem most of his life would probably fix America and Cruz? IDK bit of a pussy.
So the real question is Trump, Rand or Cruz. Rand is an awesome senator and military supporter. Trump regardless of being a Dem most of his life would probably fix America and Cruz? IDK bit of a pussy.
You want us to choose? So we have to choose between a liar or a socialist? I guess I would pick the socialist.
That is about like being given the choice between hanging or the electric chair. You are doomed either way.
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