Posted on Jun 16, 2023
If I need to reenlist to meet an SRR for Green to Gold, but am not currently within the 1 year reenlistment window, will I be denied?
Will my re enlistment packet be denied?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2

Suspended Profile
SPC Wu, I'm not sure I went through the same situation you are describing but maybe my description can help you. I was Enlisted and went Green to Gold (G2G) on a 4-year scholarship. Before I won the scholarship I had an issue where my ETS date was 30 days before the G2G decision board was going to meet. The problem was that I had to be on active duty for that board, so I reenlisted. I won a G2G scholarship and already had a letter of acceptance for the college I wanted to attend (which I included in my G2G packet), and my reenlistment contract was terminated. My DD-214 stated the reason for my leaving the service "to attend college and ROTC under the Green to Gold Scholarship."
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