Posted on Dec 31, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Have you indicated in your Last Will and Testament that you want to be buried in a National Cemetery with full or normal military honors?

RP Members this is something that is very important to me and something that I've discussed with my family. It is something that all families need to discuss and be prepared for if you are a veteran and wish to utilize your veteran benefits either at a National Cemetery, State Cemetery, or Private Cemetery.

Have you prepared for it?

Do you think it is an honor and privilege as a veteran to be buried at a National Cemetery with full or normal military honors (or) you don't care either way or haven't planned for that day yet?

The VA provides a number of resources for this very important matter:

I bring this up because we just experience the death of my father-in-law (Vietnam Veteran) there is still a cost to make arrangements through your local funeral home for a visitation, transportation, cremation, and other arrangements that can start at around $6,000.00 and go up. This is before any VA Benefits come into the process.
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 57
SFC Joseph Weber
Cremated, ashes tossed on warning track at Wrigley Field.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
SFC Joseph Weber Love Wrigley Field - the Cubs are my team and I will be buried proably before they win the big one again! Irony!
SFC Joseph Weber
SFC Joseph Weber
9 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs - My dad died at 80 in 2005. Never saw them win. I'm 51. My daughter is 30 and a Cubs fanatic. Hopefully she'll at least see one.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
SFC Joseph Weber Let's keep our fingers crossed that we can see them do it before we are gone - I'm 58 and I have three daughters 25, 22, & 17. There might be a better chance for them! LOL!
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SCPO Charles Thomas "Tom" Canterbury
I'd prefer to have a portion of my ashes scattered on the Appalachian Trail and what's left scattered in the ocean.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
SCPO Charles Thomas "Tom" Canterbury My wife's mother ashes were scattered off the rock point in Oceanside, CA and every May we go there and throw flowers into the ocean in her memory!
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Capt Retired
My body will be donated for medical research/teaching then cremated.
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LCDR Steve Didio
COL Burroughs, thank you for starting this thread. It's one I'm sure many Veterans need to give some thought to. I definitely want to be buried in a National Cemetery, but I'm not 100% sure which one. Arlington would be an honor, but it's too far from my entire family (all in Western US). I have stipulated in my will that I wish to be cremated, and that my remains be interred in a National Cemetery. I need to indicate a definite location in the next update. Thanks for nudging us all on this important decision.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
LCDR Steve Didio Currently I have the same things as you, but I definitely want Arlington and I want my wife there with me as well. There are a lot of beautiful National Cemeteries in tne Western United States - you can find them on the VA website and then google them. It is an important step that a lot of veterans need to consider, so they don't burden their children with the additional expenses involved. My wife's family had to take out a loan for $6,700 for their father who took his life on December 8th, 2015. The cemetery, headstone, military honors were all great, but there is still a big expense with the funeral home and arrangements.
LCDR Steve Didio
LCDR Steve Didio
9 y
So sorry to hear about your Father-in-Law. And thank you for the advice.
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Suspended Profile
I'm torn about this, because military honors at the VA cemeteries take almost the full 30 minutes allotted for each funeral. They also do not allow graveside services. This essentially eliminates the possibility of religious funeral services at the cemetery...
COL Vincent Stoneking
Cremation and ashes scattered with minimal fuss is my preferred option. Don't like the idea of graveyards.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
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PO1 John Miller
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
I haven't really thought about it to be honest, seriously at least. I've given some thought to both cremation and having my ashes scattered somewhere and being buried at a national cemetery with honors. Hell, I don't even have a will!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
PO1 John Miller Its time my friend - you need to have something in place to protect the rest of your family - we found out the hard way after December 8th, 2015 when Bella's father took his life. It's important and that is why I brought up the discussion. I just made sure all my affairs are in order, so I don't burden my wife and three daughters with an expense they really can't afford!
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