Posted on May 24, 2016
Has anyone rejoined the reserves after being out for years? Thinking about rejoining after a 6 year absence.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 24
I have not had a break in service, but I have known several people who have. The biggest complaint would be the lost time that is not counting towards retirement. With that in mind, I would recommend you reenlist now than after you have had a 10-15 year absence.
Can't speak on the USMCR but the USAR and the ARNG are full of former USMC. They, like transitioning AD Army personnel often deal with the culture clash and either adapt or ETS.
My best friend/best man was a 0211 from '89 - '92. ETS'd and went CA ARNG. He experienced growing pains and tried to bring over some of his USMC leadership style. He learned which to ditch and which would take. He retired the CSM of our MP Battalion 2 years ago. He's proud of his time in the Guard but his blood remains partially scarlet and partially gold.
Best of wishes to you on your decision Cpl Rick Braun
My best friend/best man was a 0211 from '89 - '92. ETS'd and went CA ARNG. He experienced growing pains and tried to bring over some of his USMC leadership style. He learned which to ditch and which would take. He retired the CSM of our MP Battalion 2 years ago. He's proud of his time in the Guard but his blood remains partially scarlet and partially gold.
Best of wishes to you on your decision Cpl Rick Braun
Cpl (Join to see)
I second this statement! Life happened, but I still wonder what would have happened if I had gone back in and worked toward retirement. I got out in August 1999. Just do it and dont look back.
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