Posted on Oct 24, 2018
Has anyone heard of paying for your own ticket to SeaTac to go to Korea while TDY en route?
I am currently at the Aviation Safety Officer Course, TDY en route to Korea. I got a call today from Sato Travel stating that after talking to CTO at Fort Irwin, since I requested my flight to be from Atlanta, GA (nearest big airport from my TDY location) instead of my LAX (airport near NTC that they chose) I would be required to pay the difference in cost for my family and I to fly. Has anyone ever heard of this? Seems to me that if you send me TDY en route, you pay for my flights, period. The lady from Sato Travel said this didn’t seem right either. I’ve been in for 16.5 years and never heard of this.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
If I am reading this correct, you are TDY in Ga but stationed in Ca? The Army should pay for your family from your duty station and you from your TDY location. Really they should send you back to your duty station where you family is and then send you all to Seattle. Generally if you took your family to your TDY location (depending on the length) but did not have orders to take family with you, then you would incur the costs of the family members back. Your narrative is a little difficult to understand where the family is at and where your permanent duty station was.
MAJ Byron Oyler
CW3 (Join to see) - You cleared the installation but where is the Army thinking your family is at? Were they in your orders to do TDY with you or are they thinking they are at Irwin while you are at TDY? Are you drawing BAH for your family at Irwin or at your TDY location? Have you had an LES since you left Irwin? It will tell you in the comments where they are basing your BAH. If they are still out of Irwin, government will likely pay for their flight costs from that location. Again, check your LES for BAH location and a trip to the local travel office wont hurt.
CW3 (Join to see)
MAJ Byron Oyler Thanks Sir. My family is on my orders. I am still drawing BAH from Irwin because I have not in processed anywhere else. I am on orders and 1610 showing my en route status. My next stop is the travel office when I get out of class, hopefully as soon as tomorrow.
MAJ Byron Oyler
CW3 (Join to see) - This is tricky situation that finding a civilian that understands the process well might be challenging. We all know if family is in your orders to go, they go but why wouldn't they change BAH to TDY location?? I am not saying they should, as I just do not know. My best advise is to keep asking the travel office till you get the answer you want or till you get several answers the same. If you get 3-4 answers that say they fly from Irwin, that is probably the case. You get one answer that says they fly from Ga, go with it. On a side note, the night before you are to report for the flight and seat assignments, get a hotel and rental car even if the government does not pay for it. The way they presented my travel to Korea is I arrive at airport one day and report middle of the night for flight with no hotel. I have heard that sucks if it is done that way and I paid for hotel to have a comfortable place to rest.
Always a good item to check and read the joint Travel Regs as per what your orders state - and then walk into the local travel office to talk it over. Doing so allows you the background knowledge of what your orders state - and what the JTR says as to that regarding TDY in Route of a PCS. It may not always be the answer you want - but you then know what the requirements are that have to be met and it better arms you for discussion. Chances are in a couple off years your will be assisting one of your soldiers on a similar issue and will then know where to turn to advise them due to your experiences,
Nor have I. I'd be sure to try and talk to finance to see if they can shed any light. If they still insist be sure to save receipts in case you have to fight longer term! Good luck CW2 Shawn Jones
CW3 (Join to see)
LTC John Mohor Thank you, Sir. This is the first time I have ever PCS’d and have had many, serious issues with the system (Sponsorship, CSP program, HRC) the whole time to get a semi-smooth transition from points A to B.
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