Posted on Jul 21, 2016
Has anyone else received the email from Mr James - the email is from the"new" director of the FBI - a total Nigerian Bank scam?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
WAIT.. WAIT !! Its NOT ME !!.. I am for real.. I have a DD 214, and I AM retired G.M. and my banking skills are sick.. So Don't attack me.. Thanks..
PO1 Tony Holland
I use Earthlink Web Mail to prescreen all incoming before allowing it to transfer to the Mail program in my MacBookPro. Doing that, and Sophos free antivirus, has kept me safe so far. But I do visually inspect the contents of the Suspect Mail folder before trashing it.
No I just got the Call from the IRS telling me they're Suing me. Or more correctly I Intercepted the Call for my Landlady. We had a Good Laugh over it!
PO1 Tony Holland
I have to give them points for cojones - declaring that Mr Comey is the "new" director is laughable on its face.
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