Posted on Dec 25, 2014
Guard Soldier part of first group of women to head to ranger school.
I wish her and anyone willing to tackle the school good luck and God speed!
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 3
I remember many years ago when I attended Army basic training, my DI favorite say was " How would you like a woman in your foxhole" as a young smart-ass i replied hell I don't as long as she watches my back. I think this has been a long time coming and it's nice to see the Army is finally getting with the program. Best of luck and Gods speed.
MSgt (Join to see) I wish 1st Lt. Alessandra Kirby success, the best of luck, and well wishes. I also hope if they this is a fair and honest examination of abilities. I do not wear a coveted Ranger Tab and will not comment on whether I believe it appropriate or not as I do not have the experience to remove me from making ignorant comments.
MSgt (Join to see)
SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS I also know nothing of Ranger school so I kept my comment brief and generic also. But I did find the article interesting and thought it would be interesting to others.
They should of interviewed someone else, here is a quote as to why...
"Women could potentially play a key role in high-risk operations that the Rangers specialize in, Fairbourn said. Soldiers going undercover behind enemy lines, for example, could be less suspicious if they were posing as a couple."
Ummm, doesn't this LTC now that if he allowed the above quote, he'd be breaking some the Laws of war.
I am all for women doing being all that they can be...AS LONG AS THEY DON'T LOWER THE STANDARDS!!! Sorry, end rant.
"Women could potentially play a key role in high-risk operations that the Rangers specialize in, Fairbourn said. Soldiers going undercover behind enemy lines, for example, could be less suspicious if they were posing as a couple."
Ummm, doesn't this LTC now that if he allowed the above quote, he'd be breaking some the Laws of war.
I am all for women doing being all that they can be...AS LONG AS THEY DON'T LOWER THE STANDARDS!!! Sorry, end rant.
MSgt (Join to see)
SPC(P) Jay Heenan I argee they should NOT lower the standards. But they also better not try to make them fail. If they can't make it on their own accord then so be it. But if they fail because of ignorance, bias, discrimination or sabotage by the instructors that's another story. Just my .02
TSgt Jackie Jones
I would have been all over this 15 years ago! Good luck to the women and DO NOT lower the standards. Ever. Or Rangers wouldn't be elite.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
I think we change the standards for the APFT, why is it not appropriate to change the standards for this? As a tabbed Ranger, I personally don't think she will make it past Camp Darby, and this will be a test...physically other than that, if she can ruck a heavy ruck for days, she will make it, but some accomadating may need to take place somewhere in this course. The attrition rate was over 50% in our class,...
TSgt Jackie Jones
The standards are there for a reason. They may not need be as high as they are for actual combat reasons, but they are to weed out the weak minded and weak physically. The annual fit standards are similar, but not as stringent. If women are going to be eligible for these positions, why change the position standards? I was not in one of these positions, but, in the AF, to enter certain fields, there were certain standards. You had to be able to lift a certain weight, score a specific score on tests, etc. and those qualifications did not change based on gender. I can see both sides of the gender differentiated standards. Most law enforcement academies have the same standards for most scored events. The only differences based on gender (where I came from) were for sit ups and push ups. The run times, body drag, and the wall were the same. I guess we shall see how the testing phase of these implementations go....
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