Posted on Aug 20, 2015
RallyPoint Shared Content
From: WNCN

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) – Gov. Pat McCrory signed a bill Tuesday aimed at ensuring that National Guard members can protect themselves in the event of an on-duty attack.

McCrory signed HB 371 just after 11 a.m. at the North Carolina National Guard Joint Forces Headquarters in Raleigh. The bill allows National Guard members to carry concealed handguns and also allows victims of terrorist attacks to take out civil lawsuits against those who perpetrated the crime.

“We must fulfill our obligation to protect those who protect us,” Gov. McCrory said. “This law will give the National Guard the tools they need to keep themselves, and the public, safe.”

The bill comes in the wake of the deadly attacks on two military recruit and reserve centers in Chattanooga, Tennessee that killed four Marines and one U.S. Navy sailor on July 16.
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CPT Company Commander
"Another piece of historic legislation was signed on the NCNG Museum's Field Desk this morning, with Governor Pat McCrory signing HB 371. This bill allows service members with conceal carry handgun permits to carry on State property. This permits us to protect you in the event of another terrorist attack. The bill also allows victims of a terrorist assault to sue for damages."

I can't be more proud of being a North Carolinian. Our Governor, Pat McCrory, is beyond awesome and had our best interest in our mind. This will let North Carolina National Guardsmen carry their pistol if they have a CCW Permit into Armories and other state training areas. KUDOs to NC and the GOV.

Just to add to this only those authorized to will be able to carry concealed. It will require an endorsement for each soldier from the State Adjutant General.
Responses: 16
SGT Team Leader
AGR in MS. are doing so. They were at the range 3-4 wks. ago. The rest are still a NOGO with regard to CCW.
A shame. When I get home I'll be picking up a new sidearm. As much as I may not like it, I'll comply with this law and or the lack thereof.
PFC Michael Dunfee
PFC Michael Dunfee
>1 y
Probably should blank the serial number next time
SGT Indirect Fire Infantryman (Mortarman)
I have no problem with troops carrying a weapon concealed but what do you do when a by standard or an innocent civilian gets hurt, do we just say tough luck ?
CPT Retired
I attended Armor BOLC in 2008. It was a five month marathon that left little time for anything other than studying and preparing for FTX's. I suggest you take a look at the Maneuver School's website to familiarize yourself with the course and suggestions made by staff there. Also try and contact s peer in your gaining unit that is a recent grad. The recent grads are your best source of information about the course.
Be in shape! It is a physically demanding course due to the long hours.
Congratulations on attending OCS. Good luck!
PFC Kevin Shelbrock
PFC Kevin Shelbrock
>1 y
Captain, you may need to pay closer attention when posting replies to threads Sir. Two responses from you in this thread are obviously not related to the original posting and your third is.
CPT Retired
The Armor Course is now at Ft. Benign. The POI changed drastically in 2007. I went through in 2008 and it was grueling. At the time, the course was very demanding academically and time was limited for little else other than studying. We had three weekends off during the 5 months I was there. I heard they extended the course a couple of weeks to give students more time off.
It was a great program and we learned a hell of allot there. I recommend you go on the Maneuver School's website and familiarize yourself with the info that is on there regarding the course.
You need to be in shape for this school. It is a freaking marathon and you will not get allot asleep if the POI is still the same.
Last thing, see if you can find out the name of a contact in your gaining unit that just went through the school. That is probably the best way to find out about the current program. Good luck!
CPT Retired
This Bill is very limited in scope as to who can carry on duty and where. In essence, only those CCW permit holders personally authorized by the TAG in writing will be allowed to carry on duty. We have to wait to see who he authorizes to carry first.
If you are in the NCNG or know someone who is, please tell them to read the bill first and not to show up to their armory with a sidearm on them without proper approval.
The article's title is misleading and the article itself is short on substance! Nothing new with media these days.
PFC Kevin Shelbrock
PFC Kevin Shelbrock
>1 y
Hopefully NCNG Soldiers would be intelligent enough to contact their NonComms and CO's about it before just showing up... but we both know how gun happy soldiers can be Sir.
SGT Survey Team Member
I wish this was an issue that the NGB would look at other than it being on a state by state basis

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