Posted on Mar 30, 2016
SFC Automations Ncoic
Posted in these groups: Afp getty 511269685 Dress Uniform454274742x356 DA Pam 670-1Hqdefault Badges
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Responses: 5
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Find the office that does your DA photos, and talk with them. These guys are usually SMEs in regards to the ARs and how things should be lined up.
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SFC Automations Ncoic
I really hate this question, however with the new changes to AR/DA-Pam 670-1 I believe I have the answer, sadly the pictures do not match the verbage from what I read out of the DA-Pam. Here is my situation: I have earned the CAB (Group 1), ABN Badge (Group 4), AASLT Badge (Group 4), Driver's Badge (Group 5), as well as sharpshooter marksmanship carbine and expert pistol. Yes, I know that is more than the amount of badges I numbered off, stay with me. From DA-Pam 670-1 "A total of six combat and special skill badges are authorized for wear at one time on service and dress uniforms." The picture it references however shows only five (page 256 is the picture for reference, Figure 22-57). Now, I already know that you cannot have more than three badges (not tabs, I specifically mean badges) on a pocket flap. I am also in an Airborne unit currently on jump status, in such my airborne wings have a trimming. I have been told by more than one senior person that you should never wear anything above a badge with trim (airborne or assault immaterial) yet I cannot find anything that says so. I have also been told that if you wear a combat badge, you cannot place anything below it other than the ribbons until you reach the flap (going downwards) and then you may begin adding badges/tabs, yet I cannot find anything on that either. With that knowledge that you cannot have more than three badges on the flap, How do I wear my one combat badge, three special skill badges, and one (of two) marksmanship badges?

Going from a picture within the DA-Pam, along with written wording I believe I can wear feasibly five badges in such a manner (Going from top to bottom): CAB, below that would be my Airborne Badge with trimming, below that would be my ribbons, below those ribbons and starting upon the flap to my right-most side of precedence is my Air Assault Badge, to the left (or center of the flap actually) will be my Driver's Badge, and finally all the way to the left on the flap will be one of two marksmanship awards. Is this correct?
SSG Jesse Cheadle
SSG Jesse Cheadle
9 y
Wow. Seems you have alot of uninformed people giving you some verbal diarrhea. When they froth at the mouth again have them tell you where you can reference the guidance on said correction.
Otherwise its the blind leading the blind as usual.
The comments on reference material are correct. You can always choose what to wear unless you are having a DA photo done. If so, they will show you all the information you need to have the correct placement.
Good luck.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Based on your comment below, my recommendation would be:
CAB above the ribbons.
Pocket flap consisting of the Parachutist Badge w/trim, AA Badge, and your bolo badge for your primary weapons system.
The other bolo badge and Driver/Mechanic badge would be the casualties.

You can wear the Parachutist Badge above the ribbons with the trim, but for most Soldiers with any kind of ribbon rack it looks ate up. For me, having the other bolo badge or D/M Badge on my uniform is not a good trade-off.
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