Posted on Aug 22, 2014
CPT Aaron Kletzing
Recently, I had a long and heated discussion with a fellow veteran about this issue. I don't know for sure whether a branch-specific reg or a DoD-wide reg exists that prohibits/allows personnel on a military installation to display the Confederate flag on their personal vehicle or on their person (e.g. a belt buckle). Maybe this is a base-specific policy and left to the judgment of the installation commander. Display of the Confederate flag is a divisive issue and people often feel really strongly one way or the other. But today, it is still a relevant topic and touches on other military leadership/discipline areas, including the actions of one member deeply offending another member -- regardless of whether said action is legal/authorized. That can create huge problems in a military unit, and this happened in a unit I personally served in. So, below are my questions for the RallyPoint community about this issue.

Please try to keep comments professional (don't attack one another) and explain your thoughts as best you can.

(1) How do you feel about the Confederate flag being displayed on the vehicle/person of a service member if he/she is ON post? How does your opinion change if the member is OFF post?
(2) What does the Confederate flag symbolize to you personally? What do you think it can symbolize to other people around you who may perceive it differently?
(3) If you have personally experienced a military-related situation where a symbol/flag caused someone to be offended, what happened and what did you/would you have done as the leader?

I look fwd to everyone's thoughts on this. Personally, I have some strong feelings about this issue, though I don't want to bias people's answers upfront. Please be as honest as possible.

Tag: SSG Emily Williams Col (Join to see) 1SG Steven Stankovich SSG Scott Williams 1LT Sandy Annala CPT (Join to see) SSG V. Michelle Woods MSG Carl Cunningham
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 326
SGT Motor Transport Operator
Much like the origins of the swaztika were peaceful, the Nazis changed the attitude towards the symbol. While I can understand some people’s feelings toward the southern flag as well as the history behind it, I think the symbol has evolved over the last 150 years. Today I see it as representative of regional pride. Much like the Cascadia flag of the NW or the State of Jefferson of Nor Cal & Southern Oregon. Multiple Native American tribes were defeated, yet almost all have tribal flags which they proudly fly.

We can’t cleanse our past by removing it. Some people flying the southern flag is not a sign we are going to have another civil war and institute slavery. To coin a term from the left, our diversity is our strength. This flag is nothing more than another piece of our diversity.
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SPC Phillip Vossler
I served on active duty from 98-05. Was stationed at Ft. Eustis. I ended up in the barracks in 02, just before deploying to Kuwait in 03, i am from Georgia, was born at NAS Jax in Jacksonville FL, in my barracks room, i had 2 belt buckles in my room, that celebrated Georgia and Florida being apart of the CSA, and no one said a word. Ive been out of the army since feb 2005. Not sure if there were regs then, or now, but nobody seemed to care. Just my 2 cents
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MSgt Dollar Bill Rutledge
Ok let’s talk first impressions. Many people today see the military uniform and are then turned off or say they are offended. I say don’t worry so much with your first impressions and always consider your consistent impressions.
Next many southern states have the confederate flag on them so should not display those flags? The entrance to many bases are lined with flags from each state. Should we take those down with the confederate flag so no body is offended?
The confederate flag is a part of our history as a nation, as well as the confederate statues that are being torn down. And as Forrest Gump said, that’s all I got to say about that.
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1SG John Highfill
In this day and age it should not be displayed . Our armed forces are about respect , you can’t do that if your polarizing one group or anther
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SFC Tracy Scott
How do I feel about the Confederate flag?
I view the flag in several different ways
A. As a symbol that was used to direct the flow of battle during the war.
B. A symbol of defiance, people stood for what they believed in, how you view that is on you.
C. A symbol of the heritage of family, in that so many lost family members that never returned.
D. I see it as a symbol of defiance.

2. The Confederate flag to me is simply a symbol of my heritage and family
Anything can be viewed differently as both good and bad because of everyone having an opinion but does your opinion trump someones else opinion (no)
3. Have I ever experienced regs against it? No, this flag has been displayed in some way shape or form on every deployment, if anyone was ever offended them they never brought to my attention as most people don't give it a second thought.
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Cpl Rc Layne
I don't care one way or the other. I dont like che Guevara tshirts. Or nazi crap. Or anything to do with communism. But I'm not in charge of anyone else's mind.
As a matter of fact, the whole you cant say this or that because someone might get offended is absolutely ridiculous.
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MSgt Jim Albano
Your absolutely right, in today’s touchy feely military the last thing we want to do is hurt somebodies feelings.
Cut the crap, this is the military, killing people is decisive. The next thing you know we’ll need safe spaces on the battlefield. Stop trying to make the military some kind of liberal social experiment.
The military is a big sledgehammer designed to do one thing “take away the enemies will to fight”
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MSgt Michael Smith
Like it or not, this symbol has come to represent racism, white supremacy, hatred, rebellion, etc. While many will argue that for them it means something different, that really doesn't matter. The military is comprised of people from all races, religions, geographic regions, cultures, etc. For the majority of those people, this symbol is hate speech at most, political speech at the very least. Much like a bumper sticker disparaging the POTUS, it has no place on a military installation and should not be allowed. Military bases are not free speech zones, nor are they public squares.
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SSG Stephen Abm
This New England Yankee respects this American flag.
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SFC John Fourquet
1. The confederacy lasted from 1861 to 1865. After the civil war the confederate flag was adapted by the KKK which was created after the civil war and still exist now. So when someone say the flag is part of their heritage I ask, what heritage. The confederacy or the KKK?

I do not like it when I see the confederate flag displayed, but I respect the individual’s right to display it.
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