Posted on Jul 29, 2015
CW4 Brigade Maintenance Technician
As my family and I prepare for a short 13 hour road trip from Michigan to VA, I recall the countless memories of traveling with my parents on vacation across the U.S. and Europe. What are some of your memories, good or bad while traveling via road trip?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 24
LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
CW4 (Join to see) The Good, the Bad and the Ugly camping trip. Taking my family camping in the Blue Ridge Area of the Appalachian Mountains for the first time. I had done enough "camping" in the Army to last a lifetime. Then I remembered how my parents had taken our family camping in Maine, Green Mountains in New Hampshire, Adirondacks and Lake George in New York and the Great Smokey Mountains.
It was October about 14 years ago and we loaded up a tent and got to a camping site about dusk. I was the only one with "camping" experience so I set up the tent in the dark with the "help" of two of my sons. We were on a slope and sleeping in sleeping bags on foam mattresses. That night there was a tremendous thunderstorm with driving rain, the youngest son got between me and my wife who was down slope from me. Fear and loathing in the mountains of Virginia. [the Bad] Everybody was somewhat disgruntled because they were wet, cold and hungry. We started the camp stove and heated up a rudimentary breakfast. After we warmed up a bit we began exploring. The whitetail deer seem to know where they mingle freely with people without being shot by a gun or hit by arrows. My youngest son picked up an apple with stretched his arm out as far as it good go while a buck stretched its neck as far at it could toward the apple. I took a wonderful picture of my son, the apple and the buck just as the buck took it in its mouth [the Good] - unfortunately I don't have it scanned in. A moment later the buck promptly threw up the apple because it probably had eaten too many already [the Ugly].
LTC Stephen C., SPC (Join to see), SGT Forrest Stewart, PO3 Steven Sherrill, CW5 (Join to see)
CW4 Brigade Maintenance Technician
CW4 (Join to see)
>1 y
Awesome Story overall Sir. These are the types of stories that can be told for generations to come.
SGT Forrest Stewart
SGT Forrest Stewart
>1 y
Wonderful memories it sounds like! My family never went camping. Went a couple with friends, but mostly military. Not interested in going again...
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
>1 y
LTC Stephen F., in my social group we always talk about stories. If you went camping, had beautiful weather and enjoyed nature that would be a nice story, but it would not be memorable. The rain, the buck, the apple, the apple coming back, all make that a memorable story.
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CPT Manager
Traveling from Augsburg, Germany to Venice, Italy, in a two-door Opel with my father, mother and 5 siblings. It didn't matter that we were packed like sardines, the countryside was beautiful. :) Happy Memories!
CW4 Brigade Maintenance Technician
CW4 (Join to see)
>1 y
Holy smokes, 2-door Opel. I love those cars, but 7 people. I would of loved to see that and by the way, I love the Augsburg area.
CPT Manager
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you CW4 (Join to see), however, there were 8 of us. I learned to drive in that car. Augsburg is picturesque, I graduated from Augsburg American High School, I understand the school has closed:(
MSG Tim Gray
MSG Tim Gray
>1 y
Good old opels!
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LTC Kevin B.
Best: Don't have any.
Worst: While in the 3rd grade, I went on a road trip from Louisiana to Nevada (3 days each way) with my mom and stepdad. Both were heavy smokers and they drove the entire way chain smoking with the windows rolled up. I was basically choking to death in the back seat the entire time. Whenever I'd ask them to roll down the windows so that I could breathe, they'd turn on the a/c and say "There, now you'll have some fresh air." It was brutal.
CW4 Brigade Maintenance Technician
CW4 (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks for sharing Sir. That didn't sound great at all. They should of had some more compassion for you back then.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
CW4 (Join to see) - In their defense, that was well before the days of knowing about the adverse effects of second-hand smoke. I'm not even sure we wore seat belts back then. My mom's "quickly extended" arm served as my seat belt.
CW4 Brigade Maintenance Technician
CW4 (Join to see)
>1 y
I can even remember riding around in the early 80'swith no seat belts. Whatever happened to those days?
SSG Drew Cook
SSG Drew Cook
>1 y
Lovely parents you had/have.
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