Posted on Sep 8, 2015
Eight injured in riots at Syrian refugee camp in Turkey
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
Countries need to be very careful taking in those "refugees". My bet is that few if any will have any desire to assimulate or to support themselves. They will expect to live off of welfare and will try to establish their own culture and form of law in the host countries. In the long run countries who take them will be sorry. Do note that other middle east countries refuse to take them because of concerns about terrorism. These "refugees" could very well destroy western civilization.
SFC Mark Merino
Great answer. Accountability is a massive problem. These people are smashing down barricades and proceeding into foreign countries unaccounted for. No one will know the true numbers, ever. All those military aged males are a concern for me as well. If they had any stones they would have fought for what they believed in. Instead, they will fight to change their host countries into what is familiar for them. Christians will be infidels, Muslims will be 'victims', and their own neighboring Muslim countries will deny them access so they can become our problem.
Good for them. Though it might be a 'safe' play for them -- it can't be easy for Syrians to get there.
SGT (Join to see)
Maybe they will help them somehow. They need all the help they can get, SN Greg Wright.
Your Spidey senses are working correctly. I am guessing we have to pay the bill at some point. If I had a choice, I would make France take them in given their socialist nature.
SFC Mark Merino
I've watched a bunch of documentaries on the current state of France and that keg has already been lit. They have armed troops all over protecting churches, government buildings, and other soft targets. I almost forgot what the French military looked like. They tried laying down the law to the refugees and immigrants and it lit the match. They will not assimilate and be grateful for the host country. They see Christian oppression and become 'victims' wherever they go. France is at it's wits end dealing with the situation. Muslim countries won't take them in so I guess they need to work on their interpretation of the Koran. To allow Muslims to go to traditional Christian lands for asylum has got to be a no no. I don't have my Koran handy for any reference material. My bad.
Maj William Gambrell
I am a Muslim, so keep that in mind. If our leadership were to put their minds to it, we could get any country in the world to help in a situation like this. The problem here is that our leadership is so inept that nothing can be solved and we will have to pay the bill given we have been unable to work with our friends to solve the problems they have created. I don't know what will happen in the future, but we are on a bad path....this country and the world.
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