Posted on Oct 30, 2016
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Think about it. A healthy swamp is infact full of life and unless man destroys the environment with toxic waste, it is a valuable resource that filters freshwater before it drains into the sea. How does a President "drain the swamp" without becoming a dictator who would destroy everything good we are evolving toward? An invasive species could alter the swamp ecosystem and result in our demise as a nation. The metaphor may be appealing to some, but it is missing the target with educated women. What would happen to Duck Dynasty?
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Responses: 29
Col Dona  Marie Iversen
Drain the swamp" originally means to get rid of the malaria-carrying mosquitoes by draining the swamp. Figuratively, "drain the swamp" means "to exterminate something that is harmful" or anything that most of the people hate such as corruption or government waste. This term is especially attractive for politicians during campaign.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
8 y
Most educated women (and men) know this, along with most deplorables.
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Sgt Wayne Wood
There is nothing healthy about the swamp he's referring to. Perhaps festering boil on the a$$ of the nation is more appropriate.
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Col Rebecca Lorraine
8 y
You see, you came up with a more appropriate description. Maybe a bit more gruesome, but that never stopped trump before.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
8 y
I live to serve
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Cpl Jeff N.
Perhaps pump the septic tank might be more accurate but drain the swamp conveys the same message without the bodily waste component. Everyone knows what drain the swap means. It is not a literal swamp/wetland/ecosystem it is a metaphorical one. Way to try to turn the phrase into Trump being a dictator though. You will not need to stretch before PT today. You appear to be pretty loose.
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Col Rebecca Lorraine
8 y
Cpl Jeff N. - You keep knowing things as if you have special powers. I just don't see Trump as a "Swamp Fox". To take advantage of an environment and magically cleanse the system would be amazing. He is just the speaker of words that convey a message with some and my critique is he misses the mark with educated women. Perhaps it is just his tenor, or his personality. Inciting a violent result if he isn't elected shames us more. Words have meanings, so this was an exercise in analysis.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
8 y
Col Rebecca Lorraine . So now you speak for "educated women"? You choose to be insulted by his words which is your prerogative. If you look at how he has actually advanced women in his many business and the successful women around him instead of listening to the media you might walk away with a different impression.

No one can know for sure if he can "cleanse the system" but I know this for sure. HRC will not cleanse the system. She has demonstrated very aptly that she is part of the system of corruption and that goes back to her roots with dear hubby Bill.

He hasn't incited violence if he isn't elected. He has only said that he will wait for the results before blindly accepting them. Very prudent considering the question asked. He was asked if he would accept the results of the election, period. No framing of the question. Any candidate has the ability to request a recount in a close call or to apply for other remedies if there is a suspicious outcome (as Gore did).

The only violence we are now 100% sure of is that the DNC operatives (who have now resigned) did hire people to go beat up, intimidate and stoke violence at Trump rallies. They beat up, intimidated and injured fellow Americans at the DNC's urging and pay. Then the democrat candidates and surrogates came out accusing Trump's words of causing the violence. How does that make an educated woman feel?
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Col Rebecca Lorraine
8 y
Cpl Jeff N. - What flavor is the koolaide this morning. I don't speak for anyone but the polls and analysis of standings is pretty supportive of my perspective. This was a rhetorical analysis of words and phrases which are uttered to rally the base. You are drifting. Think about it. Original thought. If you were a speech writer, how might we discuss this differently so there is an inclusion of Americans from entire bandwidth. (Another metaphor)
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
8 y
Col Rebecca Lorraine No Kool-Aid being consumed here Rebecca.
Yours was not a rhetorical analysis it was a thinly veiled attempt to get around to calling him a dictator. Your words

"How does a President "drain the swamp" without becoming a dictator who would destroy everything good we are evolving toward?"

You drifted as well. You accused him of inciting violence when the evidence is clear about who did. Then you accused him of not being willing to accept the results of the election. You ignore his actual comments and parrot lines from the media. Then when cornered you try to play coy about your original "rhetorical analysis".

Trump wasn't my guy (I was a Scott Walker supporter). If "educated women" support Clinton then we need to reevaluate the value of higher education.
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