Posted on Jan 1, 2014
Does the military need to dispose of antiquated "uniformity" in lieu of more individual expression?
An article focused mainly on Indian-Americans was recently published where the discussion turned to changing policies (grooming, wear of uniform, etc) to allow more folks to join without comprising their religious practices/beliefs.<div><br></div><div>Without focusing on specific religions, but focused mainly on grooming and uniform standards, does the military need to dispose of antiquated "uniformity" in lieu of more individual expression?</div><div><br></div><div><a href=""></a><br></div><div><br></div><div class="pta-link-card"><div class="pta-link-card-picture"><img src="$largeimg229_Dec_2013_102644053.jpg"></div><div class="pta-link-card-content"><div class="pta-link-card-title"><a target="_blank" href="">Sikh Soldiers Want More Indian Americans in U.S. Army</a></div><div class="pta-link-card-description">The United States should change its policy to allow more Indian Americans to join the military without compromising on their religious beliefs and practices, the only three Sikh soldiers in the U.S. A...</div></div><div style="clear:both"></div><div class="pta-box-hide"><i class="icon-remove"></i></div></div>
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 49
Saw the news about the 4 Sikh's making a lawsuit. The thing is Basic Training does not need to be changed to accommodate Sikhs. It's good where it needs to be. After earning graduation then you can freely express your right as a Sikh. I believe it's a good form of diplomacy to have different Americans represent where they come from and the Sikh's can help us win hearts and minds. I think the Sikh soldiers are missing the point of earning rights and privileges from Basic Training. The purpose is that we Equally train and grow a camaraderie relationship among each other to be able to fight for each other during time of war and peace.
If you want to be an individual, move to Portland. I kid. But seriously, the military isn't the cub scouts where everyone gets a participation award. If you know what you are signing up for, you shouldn't be offended if you don't get what you want. Additionally, for the sake of cohesion and proper psychological effectiveness of a unit, individualism should not be taken into consideration.
Don't care in the least either way. If someone wants to wear a religious covering, more power to them. I am not religious in the least, not does it bother me that some people are.
well what makes you religion better than mine. Can I claim what ever relgion on my dogtag and not have to shave or cut my hair. Please enlighten me on this subject as I to, do not wish to shave!
No, it shows a doublestandard. It detracts from the proffessional apearance. Today's society is too woried about being politically correct, the don't want to hurt anyones's feelings.
There are so many posts. Did anyone state the obvious. This has to be a political motivator to alleviate our image overseas. "Look, we are compassionate towards your culture." If you can't or don't meet the requirements, regulations, or expectations of the Armed Services, you are A: Rid of at MEPS or B: Discharged. That's the Military I know. One Team, One Fight.
Its not about fairness. Its a job you volunteered for knowing full well its not your typical 9-5. The military needs to work as a single fighting force with all the same rules. There is no room for individuality.
I think this is a good thread for those we are trying to get to join can see the substance of some things we discuss between us as current and former military, soft spoken as well as informational and mentoring types of postings.
I don't think the question is exactly well-formed: accommodating a service-members religious requirement is not the same as allowing individual expression. All cases like the one depicted are exceptions to policy that are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, on their merits and the needs and requirements of the Army.
CSM Mike Maynard
But if we allowed all folks who are religious the freedom to express their requirements - dress, food, work day, etc., then the perception would be that there would be no uniformity and that everyone was expressing their individualism, whether it be religion based or not.
I know this is a tricky terrain and I can appreciate. People and speaking their minds honestly has been threatened but things will turn around.
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