Posted on Sep 24, 2022
SFC Senior Geospatial Engineer
I have recently promoted to SFC. I have about 17 months left on station; I will spend at least the next 6 or so months filling my current 30 slot, and I hope to get a 40 slot for the remaining time (which I should get 11 months KD time).

I have had buddies who are currently recruiting who tell me not to do it, and that seems to be the consensus across the interwebs. However, I have always felt like I wanted a piece of that mission because I believe in it and what the Army has done for me, and I want to give others that opportunity.

Though it might not happen as I am now an E7, and I am in a small MOS, I am highly considering putting in a recruiter packet.

My question: seeing as I would only have 11 months at the most in a KD position, and I would get evaluated two years from now, would not meeting the 18 months in a KD position put me as NFQ?

I know that it is not the best move for career progression, but I am honestly not holding my breath to reach MSG. And, as I have stated, I believe in the recruiting mission, and I believe it's an experience that I would like to have instead of regretting the decision not to try.

Thanks for any input.
Posted in these groups: Df4ce348 Recruiter
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Responses: 1
SFC Retention Operations Nco
In order to be considered NFQ for promotion, you would have to be serving in a position below your grade or seriously messing up bad. If you have seen the grading system the board uses, a 3 out of 6 is Barely Qualified, a 2 is do not promote, a 1 is refer to QMP. NFQ is a 2 out of 6 on the grade scale. Unless your evals say did not meet standard, you shouldn't ever be at risk of being NFQ.
SFC Senior Geospatial Engineer
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
I appreciate the feedback. I have seen where you have hit on this topic plenty o' time on this forum. I have indeed seen the scoring system. There was a slide deck I was looking at last night that is saved on a work computer which talks about criteria meeting NFQ, and there is part of it that left room for questions. I will follow up here tomorrow with that wording. My concern was meeting the KD time expected by DA PAM 600-25, if members of the board would see that it hasn't been met in years a see that as grounds for being considered NFQ. But what you say makes sense: if I'm serving as a 40 level and meeting/ surpassing the standard required at that level, it will still show that I'm competent at that level, just not KD complete. I do realize that some folks come down on that assignment through no fault of their own.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
SFC (Join to see) not meeting the KD time for your rank at evaluation time will only mean that you are not as competitive as your peers and will score lower on the OML.

HRC and HQDA have not been very clear with what makes someone a NFQ. But, if you look at the repercussions of an NFQ you can get a good idea of it. Two evaluations in a row where someone is NFQ and they are Involuntarily administratively separated. That's a pretty severe punishment for not meeting KD time and would effectively strip a lot of our mid to senior leaders out of the force, create a critical shortage of NCOs, which would cause a sudden surge in need for promotion, which would cause a major backlog of SLC and MLC class seats.
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