Responses: 7
Its an E6B flight computer and plotter that you can use to figure the gallons of fuel you need for a certain distance, you can compute how long your flight will be with winds aloft, density altitude, ground speed indicated air speed etc. They were called the whiz wheel and plotting slide rule
Aviation Circular Slide Rule, E6B Flight Computer. Carried one in my leg pocket of my zoom bag for years. Sucker does everything! Time/distance. Wind drift, DA/PA, True Speed, CG, Holding times and Mach.
Wow, that’s cool! I guess even Spock wanted to know his fuel burn rate on the Enterprise! Lol, does the view screen qualify them for VFR?
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E6B Computer: Celebrating 75 Years Of Flight - InformationWeek
The E6B flight computer was introduced to the US Army in 1940. Few devices have been around this long and remain in use today, and we think that's worth celebrating.