Posted on Apr 7, 2016
Does anyone know how long it takes for a statement of reasons for a security clearance to come back approved?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 8
If I read your question correctly, you are asking how long until a favorable response after replying to a Statement of Reasons (Intent to Deny)?
IF all concerns are addressed in the reply along with substantiating documents I have seen a favorable response in as little as four months. However more common is 6 to 8 months.
IF all concerns are addressed in the reply along with substantiating documents I have seen a favorable response in as little as four months. However more common is 6 to 8 months.
SSG (Join to see)
Yes that is correct, but also with the hack that took there and my identity theft is that still about the same time frame ?
After I send in the sor how long before the commander can issue a intermediate clearance?
After I send in the sor how long before the commander can issue a intermediate clearance?
SFC (Join to see)
I believe you are referring to the partial shutdown of OPM while they investigated and mitigated the data breach last year. We have seen a dramatic improvement in processing time for all clearance processes since the first of year. If you were the victim of identify theft, did you file all appropriate police reports, as well as required credit bureau reports? If so, and all of that information was included with your response you should get a favorable response eventually. However, I will relate that I have seen several attempts to claim identity theft as reasons for adverse credit information that were untrue and discovered to be so during the investigation. Not saying that is the case in your situation, but it has placed such claims under great scrutiny, hence the requirement for through documentation on respondents part.
SFC (Join to see)
I am not aware of a case that a "Commander" can issue any type of clearance. An interim clearance may be granted under some strict circumstances such someone who holds a valid clearance while undergoing an investigation for a higher level clearance. I have not seen, or am aware of an interim being granted while a situation such as you described is being adjudicated.
SSG (Join to see)
Thank you SFC the theft happened in 13 I made it clear on the sor that there is no evidence of the theft in my credit report. I thank again I will look into that iterim clearance not sure how it works but I will find out thank you again
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