Posted on Oct 11, 2024
SGT Automated Logistical Specialist
At my last duty station I knew a WO1. Approximately three years I knew him as a WO1 but about three months before PCSing I saw him as a SFC. I never knew why he was wearing the rank of SFC but I was told by someone else that was his last rank before transitioning to warrant. Thinking to myself if that was to happen to me wouldn't that put me pass my RCP unlike SFC John Doe who has a RCP date further out?
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Responses: 3
COL Randall C.
Although it's not routinely done, there could be a number of reasons that a Warrant Officer would revert to their prior enlisted rank, but the most common reason would be so they could continue on active duty and receive a regular retirement.

Specific to your question, there isn't an exception to RCP for an officer or warrant officer reverting to their enlisted rank (if held) prior to becoming an officer.

In the hypothetical situation you gave (Warrant Officer reverting to SGT and have over 14 years active duty service), and assuming you were eligible (AR 601-280, para 1-8d)*, you would have to obtain an ETP waiver in order to reenlist if you're past your RCP.
* AR 601-280 (Army Retention Program) -
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
4 d
I've seen that with Army Officers that were passed over enlisting to complete their retirement. If they were prior enlisted, they usually reverted to their highest enlisted rank. If not, it was branch determined, but no lower than E-5.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
20 h
Just a further observation. Non-prior service Officers that get passed over can enlist for completion of retirement also. While Branch can take you back to E-5, I've never known anyone coming back enlisted at less than E-6. Schooling wise, that makes sense. I suspect that the real reason is that an E6 doesn't hit RCP until 20 years.
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
7 h
CPT Lawrence Cable - Clarification on your comment. ... Officers that get passed over MAY be able to enlist for completion of retirement.

If the officer was a former enlisted on active duty, then they have a statutory entitlement to reenlist as long as they apply for reenlistment within six months of separation and their "service as an officer is terminated by an honorable discharge or they are relieved from AD for a purpose other than to await appellate review of a sentence that includes dismissal or dishonorable discharge".

Otherwise, the CG, USAREC must approve the request for an officer to enlist.

Part of the reenlistment packet will be a request for a grade determination and the supporting information. E-5 is the lowest grade a former officer will receive, but anything higher will have to be justified by training, education, etc.

You are correct about the RCP - if you have more than 14 years AFS, then that individual iwould not eligible to enlist as an E-5. However, that doesn't mean the enlisted rank will automatically be bumped up to E-6. If the former officer doesn't meet the grade determination for E-6 or higher, they won't be allowed to enlist (unless they get the hypothetical waiver discussed above).
* AR 601-210 (Regular Army and Reserve Components Enlistment Program) -
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
37 m
COL Randall C. - You offer more clarity than I. Educationally, a captain or major should be at the level of a Master Sergeant/First Sergeant, since the schools tend to parallel each other. I can't think of any officer I know that came back enlisted that came back at a rank above E6 if they didn't have that rank prior to commissioning.
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CPT Staff Officer
Seen it happen. Associate was a Flight WO1, then his hearing tripped him up medically, then transitioned to intel MOS, and tried to apply for Intel WO from SSG, but was told too bad so said, you failed out of the flight WO program so that was your WO chance.

Totally blows.............
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SPC James Neidig
In A Similar Situation, There Was A WO-1 Who Was The Maintenance Officer In My Last Company , Who Reverted Back To SSG ,
Because He Could Not Get Promoted To WO-2 For Failing A Required School .
SGT Automated Logistical Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
4 d
In that case I would assume the SSG would still be able to retire with a 20 year career, correct?
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
3 d
SGT (Join to see) - So long as QSP, QMP did not trip him up, or RCP...yes that SM could compleate a 20 year term of service.
SPC James Neidig
SPC James Neidig
3 d
SGT (Join to see)
I Heard From A Friend From My Old Unit That He Made SFC And My Friend Was Transferred So I Don’t Know What Happened After That.
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