Posted on Nov 7, 2016
CW5 Sam R. Baker
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Responses: 32
1px xxx
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Option #6: I want to know where to buy that cup in the picture!
1px xxx
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8 y
MAJ Charles Blake - Damn spell check. Sell. We could sell more...
SGT State Public Affairs Officer
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
Exactly! I've spent most of my career on flight status as a crew chief...where does one purchase that cup???
CAPT Hiram Patterson
CAPT Hiram Patterson
8 y
My education only helped me come in at a higher grade when I was enlisted (PFC) and when I was commissioned (LTjg). Otherwise it had no impact on promotions which were based on my accomplishments, leadership, etc.
Lt Col Robert Canfield
Lt Col Robert Canfield
8 y
Yes.....Neat cup. A corollary to: "When trying to diagnose the problem ... never forget to fly the airplane."
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Unless things have radically changed since I retired, civilian education is critical if you want to remain competitive. Completing PME on time is of course a given however back in the late 70s - early 80s I can recall promotion board statistics that suggested you need more than just PME. First they included percentage of selectees with a second bachelors degree. Later they included selectees with advanced degrees and still later they included selectees with more than one advanced degree. I can only imagine what board statistics reveal now. When you see information like that coming out of promotion boards it's pretty obvious that you need to continue with civilian education if you want to keep up with your peers that are being promoted.
Everything on your list of questions matter and a void in any one can hurt come promotion time.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
8 y
Sir, completely agree and where the Warrant differs is in the CIVED and PME, it is not a requirement on ACTIVE DUTY, but is MANDATORY in the ARNG and USAR for promotion. The CIVED requirement recently changed in the 600-3 for CW4. PME was supposed to be fixed when we dissolved the WO Branch and made commanders responsible for the warrant PME process.
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SFC (Other / Not listed)
You can often tell which senior NCO has or has not attended college based on the quality of their writing. PME does a crap job at developing writing skills for enlisted personnel. Officers on the other hand get their boost from their four year degree, and then they polish their skills at ILE.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
8 y
BOOM! SFC Anonymous, spoken like someone who truly has read a few memos or SOPs. I had a request to attend PME run across my desk yesterday and the first sentence was endorsed thru the chain and I guess no one read it, it was in fact illiterate. Oh well, in lieu of pushing back down to the unit, I merely corrected and forwarded to the Commander for signature as it was already not processed IAW directives.
1SG Vet Technician
1SG (Join to see)
8 y
No shortage in learning to write memos in WOCS, Sir. At least that was my impression from reading a SOP once. Maybe all the PME levels (O's, WO's, NCO's) need to integrate more military writing into their curriculum
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) - I COULD NOT agree more! I remember going to the flightline back in 2007 and reading the -1's for the Officer Evaluation Report. Most looked like they wrote it with crayons! Now that being said, I am not sure if all paid attention in candidate school or did not have to write as many memo's as I did for demerits!
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