Posted on Nov 9, 2015
Do you lose rank going from Active to National Guard?
I am an E-5, I was active duty for about 5 years before I joined NG. I was promoted to E-5 in the NG. I went to WLC(now BLC) on active duty in May 2010. Will I keep my rank as an E-5 or will they try to take me down 1?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 24
Depends. Some States will take you as an E5 some won't. I can only speak from my part of the world, and we don't accept NCO's from AD. Reason being is we are full strength on NCO's, and if I accepted a NCO he would be excess/over grade . Current policy is you sit excess for 1 yr you get reduced.
SFC (Join to see)
That's a tricky one and I've seen it go both ways. I've seen a NCO go AD and retain his rank (shortage MOS), and I've had 1 have to take a reduction to go AD. A recruiter would def be able to answer better.
I was an E-5 on Active Duty, had a 19 year break in service, then came into the KY National Guard with the same rank. Have now made E-7 and it was a great move for me. Depends on the State and Unit.
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