Posted on Dec 5, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Do you know the Answer to Resolving Homelessness?

This not only about our veterans that are homeless, but all Americans. Let's see what Carrie Nowocin, CEO, Carry Me Productions (affordable housing) ahs to say about it

I posted the entire article here for your review and feedback.

Over the last 10 years many large cities have been promising to end homelessness, and now we have a “crisis”. Sorry but this is NOT a crisis, this is a social epidemic and anyone can fall victim to it. A crisis typically has a solution/plan within a few days. A crisis is Katrina. A crisis is the BP oil spill. Homelessness is NOT a crisis. Since we got that out of the way, we can discuss a “cure” to this epidemic.

To find a cure for anything, we must first assess the issue.

Who experiences homelessness?

People don’t always become homeless overnight.
Not everyone who is homeless is mentally ill or has a drug addiction.
The majority of those who are experiencing homelessness work.
The majority of those who are without a home are not counted in the “city” counts.

What are the causes of homelessness?

1. Lack of affordable housing.
2. Low wages.
3. Mental health takes its toll.
4. People do not have health coverage.
5. Addiction
6. Lack of support services (family, social, economic)

What do most city officials want to do about those who are homeless?

1. Decentralize services within major cities.
2. Tear down living spaces so people leave the area.
3. Shame those who feel hopeless.
4. Hide people. Out of sight, out of mind.

So then, what is needed?

1. More affordable housing.
If we do the math, a single person living off minimum wage makes an estimated $18,720 a year (without taxes). In order to be able to live alone comfortably, a 1 br needs to be $416/month.
Uh, I don’t know any major cities where anyone can find a 1br for that price. No wonder people are homeless.

2. Stop thinking of only housing those who are “chronically” homeless. If nonprofits only focus on those who are chronically homeless (3 yrs or more), then more individuals will become chronically homeless. The whole idea is counter-productive.
To find a solution to homelessness, I have listed the types of homelessness by Tiers. 6 being the least at risk of health concerns and 1 most at risk of health concerns:
(a) Tier 6 (Preventative care) – Just like we do with healthcare, preventative homelessness care would teach people how to manage their money and live within their means. If someone can only make minimum wage, they need to not try to live in a large city. I know that sounds mean, but really it’s not. When I was in college, I did an internship in Rochester, MN. My rent was $230/month. Guess how much money I saved. Oh, plus I didn’t have a car. I took the bus everywhere.
(b) Tier 5 (Intervention) – See someone on the verge of becoming homeless, help them. Move them out of their current situation and provide social services to help with money management and financial planning.
(c) Tier 4 (Transients) – Build hostels for them to stay in. There are many transients in cities like Venice Beach, CA where all they need is a room. There are some hostels, but not enough for those just “passing through”.
(d) Tier 3 (Newbies) – Emergency shelters should only be serving these people. Shelters should be segregated as such:

People with pets
Disabled (physical and mental separated)

These are the folks and families that are just out on their own. Life took a turn where they lost everything and no one was there to intervene or help to prevent it from happening. Provide social services to help these people get back on their feet. A lot of the time, these people know what happened, but just don’t know how to get back on track. Support groups and counseling would be great for this tier.

(e) Tier 2 (Hotel dwellers or couch surfers) – Once identified, this tier needs to be moved into temporary housing. The housing would consist of homes converted into a “transitional home”. The housing should also be segregated as presented in item d.

This group usually consist of families with young children. They stay in hotels at the first of the month, until their money runs out. Then they typically live in their car or crash at a friend or family member’s house for a few months.

(f) Tier 1 (Chronic) – These people have been homeless 3 or more years. Typically they have become “stuck” in this system because they were brushed aside. Most of those who are chronically homeless are struggling with multiple physical and mental health issues, which can all be helped.

3. Stop making people feel bad because something caused them to become homeless.

4. Stop handing out Band-Aids. Blankets and tents are not going to solve anything. I’m appreciative for those who help others in need, but people need to stop believing that blankets and tents are a solution to problems.

5. Stop trying to hide the homeless. If they are hiding, we can’t help them. Hire them to clean the streets they live on. Give them hope, not hate.

6. Stop focusing on decentralizing services and start focusing on the gaps of the services.

7. What is and isn’t working? That’s the first assessment I would conduct if I was in a large city. If nonprofits are going to join an alliance or coalition, have a solid plan to address the needs of the people.

8. Think about converting abandoned buildings in to dorms. (We have a program for this if interested.)

9. An alliance (what we call partnership) should consist of the following and no more than one of each:

Social service provider
Financial planning assistance
Legal counsel/assistance
Housing provider
Mental health provider
Disabilities provider
Education/Job training
Liaison for all to work together
Outreach group

I don’t tell people we are experts in this sector, but to be honest, it’s not rocket science.

The solution is to forget about making a ton of money and go back to the reason your nonprofit was started, to help people.

So now the breakdown in spending.

This is how I envision it going down (if I was a big leader with 100M to spend):

1M for staff which would include all providers listed under item 10.

40M two additional emergency shelters (Tier 3 above). These shelters will include all services under item 10.

20M for Tier 5 and 6. This would be considered more community investment money. Help people move out of the expensive locations and find jobs and education options to help them become successful. (We have a plan in progress for these Tiers but what we do won't cost nearly as much because we have partnered with others who are experts.)

10M for Tier 4. Build clean places for people to stay short term. Provide police protection and get people off beaches and county parks.

15M for Tier 2. Invest in transitional and permanent living spaces which families and individuals can stay in for low cost until they get back on their feet. (We have a program in progress for this tier as well, but at a fraction of the cost.)

14M for Tier 1. This might be used for rehab for substance abuse and mental health. Offer nice places for people to recover from their illnesses. This would be an investment in the community. The cities can partner with some private centers to help those who really want the help but can’t afford it. The county could purchase distressed land to build ranches and therapy centers for those recovering from homelessness.

If you or anyone you know are interested to learn more about any of these Tiers and how I suggest they be implemented, contact me [login to see] .

I’d be happy to share. I just want to help people get OFF the streets and make some of these nonprofits get out of the housing business, including Carry Me Productions. If you’re tired of social Band-Aids, please consider donating to our cause. Invest in your community. Our passion is to carry people to safety and independence.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 45
Anita Nowocin
COL Mikel Burroughs, Thank you for sharing the information this information and Carry Me Productions plan. Carry Me Productions is unique in it's approach to creating affordable housing for Veterans and others. Unfortunately, housing the those who are experiencing homelessness has become a big business without our nation seeing real results. With millions of bank and government REO homes sitting empty, those homes could be used to provide shared housing for single veterans, youth aging out of the foster care system, shared housing for older adults, and individual families. It's a matter of developing a program to acquire these homes, rehabbing if needed, then housing populations in needs and providing services. Carry Me Productions CEO has developed that program and built a relationship with a REO housing lender.

Carry Me Productions is about creating collaborative efforts. While we have experienced that a lot of other nonprofit organizations are not interested in collaborating as they are competing for the same funding; have gained power in a community or state; money is power which they are not interested in sharing.
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CPT Jack Durish
Honestly, I don't know the answer(s) (There may be more than one) But I know someone who may know it. Although I'm not a Mormon I've read and heard plenty about their family-centered support systems. As I understand the system, when someone is homeless or jobless or penniless, the church assumes responsibility for them. The provide them with everything they need: home, work, food, etc. The products of their work help others being supported by the church. While being cared for by the church, they are counseled to educated to help them regain their independence. This system is, I believe, limited to members of the church. They provide other forms of assistance to anyone in need of it. But it is the system that they maintain for their own which might be the prototype for a US system for its citizens. To be sure, I'm offering this from second hand knowledge. I would love to see someone offer more insight.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish the LDS Church Welfare System is open to non-members as well and was founded upon the principles of self-reliance and getting off the government dole, i.e., none of the 3 BYU universities accept federal monies. Here is a piece by the Wall Street Journal about the Church Welfare Program: [login to see] [login to see] [login to see] [login to see]
Because the local 'gatekeeper' is the ward bishop, most people erroneously believe this program serves only church members. Bulk foods distribution centers (Bishop's Storehouses) are open to the public, as is free vocational training through Deseret Industries (43+ locations west of the Rockies) as is free employment services through LDS Employment Resource Services. BTW, LDS Welfare Services is the last resort for member and non-member alike AFTER extended and immediate family resources and social services have been exhausted; and for a limited time with community volunteer service required in exchange. This is where many decline to participate. How do I know? I once served in a bishopric and as a Church Welfare employee for 6+ years.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS - Thank you for the information. I knew that it was an excellent system but not aware that it was available to non-members. I hope getting this word out doesn't swamp its resources. And I hope that it might encourage others to contribute. You need to elevate this to a discussion topic so that it's not lost as a mere response to my comment.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs - You need to elevate this to a discussion topic so that it's not lost as a mere response to my comment.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - when you own 2% of the state of FL with an operation larger than the King Ranch (one of many ranches and farms) I don't think being 'overwhelmed' will be a problem; most people resist doing all that is necessary (and conversion is not a requirement) to fully participate in the Church's welfare system, including members.
Here is a link that officially lists all the available resources the church has to offer anyone who is motivated:
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1LT Christopher Sorge
Eh but what about illegals in this country lets give them jobs and shelter instead of our own people :)
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
1LT Christopher Sorge That is a real sore shubject in this household, my wife's mother was killed by an illegal here in California in 2005 (hit and run); fianlly caught, just a lttle jail time, no resitution for the half million in life support bills, deported, and back in California with his family once again! Got to love our justice system in California - really good - NOT! Sorry that is a story for another day! Didn't mean to get started!
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SSG Squad Leader
I don't think that this problem can ever be solved there are a lot of different factors to cause homelessness and well I don't think that It can ever be fixed. We can do better to help those in need but i don't think this is the end all be all and money will not solve this problem.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
SSG (Join to see) I agree that it won't be completely resolved, but I think there are ways of reducing it - there are a lot of great projects out there working for solutions and we should at least applaud those efforts!
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PV2 Scott Goodpasture
Not possible, these are privileged whites
PV2 Scott Goodpasture
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
PV2 Scott Goodpasture
Sarcasm doesn't always translate well over the Internet. Good play Scott!

CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
>1 y
PV2 Scott Goodpasture well hec, we be brothers from other mothers because your comment resonated with me like a hot puppy to a crossed leg (odd visual, but you get my point)...and I'm Hispanic!
PV2 Scott Goodpasture
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