Posted on Oct 21, 2014
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 31
SGT Team Leader
I think I have posted a few. Normally, though, I just respond. SSG Scott Williams is the king of not giving a sh*t when it comes to topics. There is nothing wrong with posting controversial topics.
While we try to tiptoe around them, we could be learning quite a bit. A bulk of people's conflicts are directly related to a breakdown in communication and the alienation of their minds in common interactions.
And besides, most of us, I'd like to think, are a little bit grown-up. *crosses arms*
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And I appreciate your response. See how easy it is? :)
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Sgt Ray Britt, may the force be with you.
MSG Gerry Poe
MSG Gerry Poe
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Politics is the devil!!!!!
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1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
SGM (Join to see) I could be wrong, but I think RP is one place where we "might" be able to hold "some" good back and forth discussions on opposing political views. I do believe that many of us are spending more time on RP and less time in the political blogs we were or are part of on FB and other sites. I enjoy the back and forth on opposing sides, however, I have no patience for the name calling, disrespect, and other BS that quickly gets slung in the other sites when someone posts a view that someone else does not agree with....instead of having a debate and backing it up with facts. I have a shorter temprament for those who I label as idiots.....when after be presented reality and facts, revert to the same name calling, slander and BS.

If you prove me incorrect, I have no problem saying, OK, you got me on that one. I doubt, no I know you can't change my political views, yet you can change my viewpoint on certain issues if can be backed up by fact and reality.

For the most part here on RP, we tend to be very respectful of each others current and former rank from our times in service, even when in disagreement. Sometimes it can be a bit testy going back and forth, which is fine with me and I do enjoy, because I have a sarcastic nature and wit to my personality. Many of do at some point.

Now would we see some of the FB idiototic responses, hell yes as many people are blind followers to their political party of choice and when backed into a corner by facts and reality, instead of graceful retreat will still lashout and call you every name in the book ....for proving them incorrect. That is going to happen regardless of which side of the political aisle they chose to stand. Why, beats the hell out of me.

I'll admit in a second that I am so far to to the right with conservative values! Yet many automatically assume that makes me a card carrying Republican. When in fact I am a card carrying registered "Independent".

In the end, when it comes to politics and religion, even when there is a winner, there is no winner. The discussion quickly stray from the "target/topic" of the discussion and become a name calling, personal insults back and forth if one falls into the koolaid!

I do believe that "most" of us, definitely not all, would be able to maintain our bearing in political discussions, yet not convince anyone to rush out to change their political affiliation.
I've seen a few political posts here in the past, a couple went well in differing views and then I recall a couple in which a few quickly showed their ignorance and stupidity going a rant of personal attacks and even down voting some comments.

And to be a realist, I could be proven wrong so quick, it would make my head spin and be like...WTH!
1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
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CMSgt James Nolan LOL! I think you meant so well, that you want to "bash" it! In total agreement!
MSG Parachute Rigger
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Loved the response, was gonna post something similar. I too am so far right with conservative views, but am not a republican. I get more pissed when I see Armed Forces members calling POTUS names. I may not agree with things, but he's the boss. If it's an illegal/immoral order, it is up to me to follow it. But don't bash him.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
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1SG Mcpherson--we certainly hope so! However, some folk are quick to pull the trigger and shoot one down based on emotion of the moment, not fact. I want people in my platoon who carefully aim at the right target, with self discipline, not self-righteousness.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
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MSG Ibarra, agree. Sunshine patriots miss that point about POTUS. I didn't like a lot of other lower ranking Commanders in Chief either, but they earned their time in the sun and my job was to know when to lead and when to follow. Ultimately, all of our jobs are to help make us ALL successful. We can't be successful if we spend all of our time second guessing and bickering about the anointed one who isn't us.
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MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
I'm never afraid to state my opinions... sometimes to a fault.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
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Maj Dews, thanks for your comment. I'm a fan of asking soldiers "what do you think?" before making a strategic decision. I want to know their honest opinion, and by fairly considering it, they should respect my decision.
1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
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Many of us are or have been guility of stating and defending our opinions " to a fault. I know I have. That is one of the difficult transitions of leaving the military where you have been in a leadership for position for many years, used to making dicisions, providing that guidance and advice when needed. Being able to advise commanders and other superiors when you believe a decision they are getting ready to make may not be best one.

Most will listen, may not take your advice, but at least listen. When I went to work for the Army (and Air Force) after retirement, my mindset was still in the Leaderrole; however, differing opinions and advise was not always well received. I never had any issue or problems defending my positions, however, some civilian leaders...I mean managers did and still do.

I had a "old" smart division chief I was talking with one day, tell me "Mack, I appreciate the stance you take on positions, even when they differ with the Director, 99% of the time you're right, however, that is not what he remembers! He will always remember the differences he has had with you, the conversations that became heated when he was way off base and you didn't back down when he thought you should have because of his position!" Then he said, "Try to remember this, we're not in uniform anymore, you are no longer the one who is responsible.....WE NO LONGER OWN IT! That Director is ultimately responsible for the decision be it come out right or wrong! Sometimes they need to get it wrong in order to bring them to reality. He is no longer a Colonel in the Army, he is a GS15 Civilian, who thinks he's still in the Army!"

That took a while to sink in, however, I have to say it has won me more issues in the "long run". I state my opinon or thoughts "once" and let it go. When the wrong decision is made, we fix it and wind up doing what we suggested in the first place.

Yeah it's an extra step, more time, but it's worth it in the end, especially when I can give that "I told you so" (and thinking, "go to hell") look! To a fault, oh yeah, to a fault....I'm guilty!

I've learned to master it pretty well over time......most of the time! Ha!
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