Posted on May 24, 2014
CMDCM Gene Treants
Do you believe the bill of rights is outdated and should be either dropped in its entirety or at least rewritten
My Goddaughter seems to be very representative of many people in her generation in believing that the Second Amendment is totally outdated and needs to be eliminated. As with many on the left, she feels that no individual has any need for a handgun.

Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?

So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
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Responses: 241
SGT Military Police
I voted leave as it is. I don't agree with some ways it is interpreted, and I think parts are outdated, BUT there's a process for changing the Constitution already in place. It's called an amendment. If it really should be changed, meet the threshold for amending the Constitution. It's hard to do, because it's there to make sure an overwhelming majority want it and thus used sparingly.
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CW3 Senior Instructor Pilot
CPT (Join to see) I'm curious what you disagree with. Did I offend?
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1SG Cameron M. Wesson
Absolutely not! I have had conversations concerning the Constituion and the Bill of Rights (amendments) with both my son and daughter while in HS... and thankfully shaped their thoughts on the constitution.

Throwing the Bill of Rights out is not even an option. They are the first 10 amendments of the constitution... and not seperate! Can they be amended? Yes! Let's see... who can tell me what's the only amendent to be enacted to overturn another amendment???? the 21st... that repealed Prohibition. I'll drink to that! Will another be amended? lets see... 1 in 150 years? maybe around 2089... but doubtful.

Note: James Madison's persistence saw the amendments through the Congress and while there would have been a federal Constitution without Madison... there would be no Bill of Rights... which was a messaging campaign to the people... that provided their rights.

BTW... the idea of "right to Bear Arms" is derieved from English common law... well before the Constitution.

"allowance under due restrictions, of the natural right of resistance and self-preservation, when the sanctions of society and laws are found insufficient to restrain the violence of oppression"

my 2 cents
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
Actually, my biggest fear is a Constitutional Convention that will replace the entire thing ad hock with an unholy mess. There are so many Factions right now it makes the Factions during the time of our Founding Fathers look like a cohesive group.
1SG Cameron M. Wesson
1SG Cameron M. Wesson
10 y
CMDCM Gene Treants Gene...I would submit that there is a significant difference. The founding fathers didn't get together for a constitution convention... They originally got togerther to fix the articles of confederation.... The constitution that we know was a Brillent Solution between men that were afraid the great experiment would fail... I have read a few books about it... But the most recent is called a Brilliant Solution. Regardless of factions... We seem to always swing back to center. The country is not on the verge of failure... We hgave been much closer on a number of occasions... But not right now. My opinion anyways.
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MAJ Financial Manager
Leave the Bill of Rights alone.
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SSG Leonard Johnson
Sure I don't mind it really written as long as u keep Liberals out of it and gives me more freedom of speech and and 2nd amendment rights
SSG Leonard Johnson
SSG Leonard Johnson
10 y
Oh yea...Herman Cain. Michelle Malkin to get the female intake (and shes hot) also Andrea Tantaros...she's hot also....Maybe Bill O'reilly to get the centrist view point...but he can't have a vote cuz he not a conservative
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
I would add, are you sure that our freedoms would survive a rewrite? Look at Obama care and what happened there carefully before you answer.
SSG Leonard Johnson
SSG Leonard Johnson
10 y
Good point Sir...hahahahaha I went to my surgeon today He's hoping he gets activated in the next year.....says his business is going to be a mess
SSG Leonard Johnson
SSG Leonard Johnson
10 y
and oh yea.....W E B Griffen... for the Police and detective series that he written hahahaha
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SPC Donald Moore
Rights are there and should be protected even if some liberal doesn't want it. The whole reason that the amendment existed to begin with was to make it a requirement.
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CPL Travis Stender
No matter how old it gets its the same as a religious scripture the wording may seem funny but the core value is the key. The problem I believe is not so much generational entitlement as it is technological reclusivness and a lack interaction within a society to see the reasons these are written down for us. From the loud always last word person to the common thug waiting for a victim. The problem with the informational spread is that everything targets a select group
CPL Travis Stender
CPL Travis Stender
10 y
Limiting ones big picture mind frame by selecting the style of everything based on a Amazon purchase. The people assume that since they read a story that's it ,when stories have 3 sides the right, left, and truth. The trend set by lack of rea
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SGT Supply Sergeant (S4)
This is, hands down, the dumbest question ever asked on here. I have to wonder if you even used a little bit of thought before you asked it.
Although President Obama has all but signed away our Bill Of Rights, I will always fight to defend it. It's the last bit of freedom that we have. DON'T TREAD ON ME!
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
Thanks for the personal attack SGT (Join to see). While you were still in diapers or not a gleam in your daddies eye I was fighting for your rights to express your opinions. At least you finally had the courage to say why you down voted my question, but did you have to make it personal? Professionalism should count for something here and in your life Soldier.
SGT Supply Sergeant (S4)
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
With all due respect, I down voted you and immediately said why. Second, I am not some youngster who has just fired from the hip. I respect you for fighting for my right to express my opinion, as I expect you to do the same to me (which is funny, because that right is in the BOR). However, when someone even suggest that they should take away my rights and freedoms, I will show little mercy. You personally attacked my rights, long before I ever asked if you put any thought into the question. So please do not be offended personally, when you in fact started offending first.
Please take your own advice: be professional. Another piece of advice: don't attack other people's freedoms and not expect them to be offended.
COL Hammond
SGT Supply Sergeant (S4)
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
That was suppose to say CPL, not COL. Stupid auto correct
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Cpl Dennis F.
Don't get me going on this. Just the asking of the question alone is criminal. This is not something given. They are natural, or if you will, God given rights, not subject to debate.
Cpl Dennis F.
Cpl Dennis F.
>1 y
Waaaaaaaaaa. Man you DO have a lot of time on your hands. Quite an undertaking.
Cpl Dennis F.
Cpl Dennis F.
>1 y
LOL! I hate to let you in on this, but,.... you are already a subversive to many out there.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
We have a President who is currently ignoring the Constitution and now you are rewriting the entire thing, wow. The founders are spinning and I am not sure which is causing the most turmoil.

You may have some good ideas, however, I totally disagree with your premise of ONE GOD as their intent; it may be your intent to establish Christianity as this Nations Religion, but they were running from imposed religion and looking from freedom to worship as they pleased. Remember that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all worship the same God.

Most of your ideas for Amendment II actually sound okay, just wordy and need work to flow smoothly. I agree with your basic premises there.

The Constitution itself, well I will be kind and just say it need a lot more work and thought., The founders took months and had scholars working hard on this document. Good luck.
LTC Joseph Gross
LTC Joseph Gross
10 y
Found it! I don't know what you are going for here calling someone a criminal for asking a question. You asked me why I voted you down and this is it. This doesn't add anything to the conversation. It is the kind of thing a troll does to stir the pot. Do you really believe you can't question the government? Do you think this was a criminal act? It is perfectly fine to be provocative like this but you can't leave it hanging! Add to the conversation!
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SGT Wayne Woodward
Edited >1 y ago
This pisses me off. Robertson it's a good thing that you don't work for me! I think that you need to demote yourself to PVT. If you are so damn liberal then you need to leave this country of mine! Stop Talking the BS in this, forum. You kids are so green I can't stand it! BACK OFF!
SGT Wayne Woodward
SGT Wayne Woodward
>1 y
Boy, once a soldier, a real soldier that is, then you are always one. So stuff that in your pretty little uniform jacket and beat off, punk. I know damn well who I am talking to. You do not want to piss off the real soldiers here!
SGT Wayne Woodward
SGT Wayne Woodward
>1 y
Are you the moderator now boy?
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
SGT Woodward I may not agree with some of the things SGT (Join to see) says in this thread, but I would never consider a personal attack on him or anyone else to be appropriate. Please relax and consider that this forum os a place we may all come to and exchange views and sometimes even learn from others. Thanks.
SGT Wayne Woodward
SGT Wayne Woodward
>1 y
Sir, I will do that. As hard as it may be. You deserve my respect and you've got it.
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