Posted on May 24, 2014
Do you believe the Bill of Rights is outdated and should be either dropped in its entirety or at least rewritten?
My Goddaughter seems to be very representative of many people in her generation in believing that the Second Amendment is totally outdated and needs to be eliminated. As with many on the left, she feels that no individual has any need for a handgun.
Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?
So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?
So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 241
SGT James Korman
The last Constitutional Convention was held in Paris, France @ 1790, and look at what that brought us. CC not a good idea it always brings out the crazies, we have enough of them already!
LCDR (Join to see)
Many of the calls for a Constitutional convention are not to replace it, but to find a way to enforce it. Therein is the problem - if our government won't follow the constitution now, what's a few amendments going to do?
I don't like that you left out the option of "It could use some TLC, but it's a ton better than anything else people have come up with, so tread VERY lightly."
Remember: amendments are already changes to our core document, and even amendments have been subsequently changed by other amendments (prohibition). Because it's our core document, you have to be very careful making changes, but by the nature of how our society is oriented, it's never technically off the table.
Remember: amendments are already changes to our core document, and even amendments have been subsequently changed by other amendments (prohibition). Because it's our core document, you have to be very careful making changes, but by the nature of how our society is oriented, it's never technically off the table.
CMDCM Gene Treants
You're right, I did not think of that at the time. Yes it might need some TLC and that is what we do use new Amendments for. Thanks for the reminder.
2% of respondees are trolls trying to incite anger in red-blooded Americans.
Seriously though, I believe that when our Forefathers wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, it was written in a manner that didn't leave anything open for debate or interpretation as well as in a manner that was intended to be timeless.
We've all taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That's pretty straightforward in my opinion. It doesn't say anything about changes, alterations, addendums, caveats, deletions or anything else.
It clearly says "support and defend the Constitution of the United States". That means if anyone tries to change it, they fall under the "all enemies foreign and domestic" part of our oath that immediately follows.
Seriously though, I believe that when our Forefathers wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, it was written in a manner that didn't leave anything open for debate or interpretation as well as in a manner that was intended to be timeless.
We've all taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That's pretty straightforward in my opinion. It doesn't say anything about changes, alterations, addendums, caveats, deletions or anything else.
It clearly says "support and defend the Constitution of the United States". That means if anyone tries to change it, they fall under the "all enemies foreign and domestic" part of our oath that immediately follows.
SPC Donald Moore
The only part of the constitution that I see as unchangeable is the Bill of Rights.
If part of it goes, it can all go and where do you think we would be without it.
If part of it goes, it can all go and where do you think we would be without it.
The 1st Amendment! The Amendment the left preaches about all the time. Freedom of speach unless your Fox News they must be silenced. Freedom to peacefully assemble unless you what to block an enterance an impede other folks. Freedom of religion unless it's yours and they don't like it then it must be stopped. Yes the first amendment works great for the left! We on the right yes we are the bullies, the misguided and confused. Shame on us! Okay back to reality! The answer is HELL NO LEAVE IT ALONE!
CMDCM Gene Treants
Right about now the right is awakening to the fact that all of the Amendments apply to all of us. Not just the Left anymore.
I can't believe two percent say it is outdated... that is so damned shocking.
CMDCM Gene Treants
I actually expected a much higher percentage that that. Most of our military fall into the same age group I am talking about.
Well, let's see, do we want to level the Washington Cathedral, I think not.
SGT James Korman
Sir Edmund Burke, if you seek to destroy the Cathedral, just what are you going to replace it with?
Correct me if I am wrong. But, isn't someone who tries to eliminate our bill of rights and / or constitution an enemy of this country? Are we not supposed to defend this country from all enemies foreign and "domestic"?
SA Harold Hansmann
The question is,1) are they going through the proper channels or trying to by pass the proper channels so they can have it their way? 2) is this good for the people or good for the government? One of the first things Adolf Hitler did was remove all guns from the populace.
SA Harold Hansmann
This may be an arrogant statement, but, it is an apt one. They will pry the gun from my cold dead fingers before I give them up.
PO3 Shaun Hilts
The biggest issue with changing the amendments, is that we really have no say in what amendments are made to the constitution.
If 2/3rds of congress feels that an amendment needs to be made, they can motion to amend without the consent of the people, then the senate can ratify it, all without any united states citizen voting for it. It happened with the 16th amendment.
Sure, we can vote in other politicians, but at the end of the day, they all follow the same ideals: "How can I fool the american people into thinking I give a damn about them, while cutting a piece of the pie for myself?"
If 2/3rds of congress feels that an amendment needs to be made, they can motion to amend without the consent of the people, then the senate can ratify it, all without any united states citizen voting for it. It happened with the 16th amendment.
Sure, we can vote in other politicians, but at the end of the day, they all follow the same ideals: "How can I fool the american people into thinking I give a damn about them, while cutting a piece of the pie for myself?"
PO2 Steven Erickson
PO3 Shaun Hilts You forgot that all amendments must be ratified by three-fourths of the states. THAT part of the process gives us the ability to stop stupid amendments. So, REGARDLESS of how many people live in the "approving" states, if 13 states say "no"... the amendment fails.
Start making changes and there goes my rights as a defender of my home and as a hunter. I purposely hang the deer from the tree in my front yard so everyone can see. Haven't had a break-in yet. I is a crazy redneck. Lol
CMDCM Gene Treants
And who said all rednecks had to have a Southern Drawl? Make sure to display the antlers prominently too. ;-)
SA Harold Hansmann
They are. There hanging in the garage. I used bailing rope to hang them. This redneck is a Michigan redneck, only have a southern drawl when I choose to.
There should be no change to the Bill of Rights, it is not out dated as some idiots will proclaim. And is a living document that is adaptable to the times. Changing any part would be disastrous to every one in the nation. Many do not see this, they are lied to every day, the education system is dumbed down to accommodate an agenda to destroy this nation. Public schools were designed to create an informed electorate, but when teachers are not allowed to teach and are forced to dumb down the curriculum this is what we get, idiots wanting to get rid of the Bill of Rights. The second amendment serves the purpose of protecting the common gentry from a government that may go tyrannical or leave itself open to such. Case in point, The Kaiser, pre 1932 Germany disarmed his people, the right to bear arms was removed from the German People, in 1932 a Lunatic came into office, albeit he got Germany on its feet, and productive. But, he used force, threats and cruelty to rid himself of his political enemies. He used the fact that the German people could not defend themselves from his tyranny, much less those of Jewish decent. Every amendment serves a purpose, and none should ever be changed
SGT Wayne Woodward
That's right Sullivan-we have the same idiology in the White House and need to arrest him today! AS for all of these punk ass liberals; throw them all out of the Army and retrain your people to be real soldiers. No sneakers and shorts for PT long hours of training, inspections with white gloves, not these dorms these kids live in! And then you will have good soldiers that are trained and disciplined. We never had liberal talk!
We might as well do away with it. We've completely ignored it for personal gain enough already. Not having a complete freedom of speech would probably save some people for spewing ignorant crap anyway.
SSG (Join to see)
Always appreciated when people can catch that, Master Chief. I get taken seriously for comments like these entirely too often.
CMDCM Gene Treants
SPC Perkel you will find that I recognize Sarcasm and appreciate, but am a real Pun-dant or the form of graceless humor!
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