Posted on May 24, 2014
Do you believe the Bill of Rights is outdated and should be either dropped in its entirety or at least rewritten?
My Goddaughter seems to be very representative of many people in her generation in believing that the Second Amendment is totally outdated and needs to be eliminated. As with many on the left, she feels that no individual has any need for a handgun.
Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?
So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?
So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 241
If you ask your goddaughter, or any of the "progressives" what they will replace the Bill of Rights with, what do you think their answer will be? In general, I believe they have no idea. They are just following the crowd in a lemming-like attempt to fit in. These people are the first to cry out that their rights are being violated if they don't get their way, but what rights are they talking about? Do they even know what the Rights enshrined in the Bill or Rights are? Your question about the First Amendment is a great example. Do you really think "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" discriminates against anyone? I have fought tyrants in other countries whose people have not Bill of Rights to protect them from government my executive fiat. I have seen the result of that kind of government. I, like you, have sworn an oath, before God, to defend our Constitution, including the Bill of Rights. If there are those in America who want to submit their lives to the whims of a tyrant, or worse yet to the whims of "the majority", then I suggest they leave and find a country more to their liking.
CMDCM Gene Treants
I did ask my Goddaughter what should replace the BoR if we abolished it and she was shocked at the question. What do you mean was her attitude and when I went on and asked what she meant about the 1st and 2nd she just said, are they really a part of the BoR? or words to that effect. All she knew was what she had been told, guns were evil and people hated atheists. When I enlightened her she said she now would have to think about what her friends were saying. One person at a time is what it may take Major Perry, just one at a time.
The bill of rights was written as protections for the people agains government. The very fact that this is a heated debate shows they are necessary. I agree with them all, I don't like the inturpetations of some. But they should never be altered, only subject to "current interpretation."
CMDCM Gene Treants
CPL J Sannizzaro, fully agree with your assessment. Some seem to be more passionate and on both sides of the issue too.
Our men and women have fought and died to protect the freedoms that we have! The Bill of Rights were written the way they are for good reason. This is the way I see it, if you don't like the principals that our great country was founded on then you can leave! I enjoy the rights and freedoms we have and I would gladly fight for them. The Bill of Rights will NEVER, EVER, be outdated!!!!
CMDCM Gene Treants
Specialist Wilson, I agree that they will never be outdated and I would also fight to protect them. I do not believe that people who find problems with the Constitution or Laws of our country should leave, they have the right to protest, as guaranteed by that same founding document.
Without the Bill of Rights, ALL of them, we are no longer the United States of America. We would become the Divided States of America. If we were to cross out the 2nd Amendment what stops the next party in power who doe snot like some of the others from removing those rights?
This is the saddest time in my life for this great nation. I would have never believed we would be where we are today.
This is the saddest time in my life for this great nation. I would have never believed we would be where we are today.
CMDCM Gene Treants
Cpl Wagner, VOTE is all I can say. All of us need to make our voices heard. Look at what just happened in VA when Cantor was overthrown. He was so powerful in the House that he lost touch with his constituents. Many incumbents think their PARTY is always right, and forget that voters put them in office. Voters need to look carefully at all incumbents and then VOTE most if not all out. Both the House and Senate have forgotten in whom the power is supposed to reside.
Cpl Brett Wagner
Master Chief I hear ya & I do vote every time. IMO there are 2 problems. 1. The only choice besides the dems is the GOP & those in control of the party will not allow a conservative run as a nominee. 2. Northern Virginia has had so many liberals from the NE & CA move here because of employment that NOVA now controls which way the state turns. If you look at a map for the last 2 elections you will see the dems got control of the state & re elected Obama by the votes in NOVA & Norfolk of all places. Please call me Brett.
Cpl Brett Wagner
BTW I do eat my own dog food. I have property in AZ narrowed down to three. when I decide on one I'll pull the trigger on 100 acres not a lot but the most insulation I can afford.
Master chief, I don't believe it need to be changed at all. Criminals will get their hands on guns regardless of any law prohibiting them; also people in my generation don't seem to understand that removal of the right to arms help to prevent people like hitler from taking over the free people.
CMDCM Gene Treants
Absolutely Correct SN Power. Once in power, that was one of the first things Hitler did. All tyrants fear people with arms who can protect themselves and their neighbors.
Anyone that has any kind of issue with the Constitution needs to move out of the country PERIOD!!!
CMDCM Gene Treants
But you see SPC Cedendo, that is the exact point of the BoR. All of us are free to disagree and NOT have to give up our Rights. That is the greatest part of being a Citizen of this country.
As a descendent of an individual who fought in the American Revolution and a student of history I say leave it alone. If anything we need those rights even more today than when they were first written. Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote them and from what I'm seeing it appears as if we drop the Bill of Rights the Constitution won't be far behind then we will have truly lost the American Revolution once and for all.
CMDCM Gene Treants
SrA Olsen, I take it you are a member of SAR. I agree that if we lose the BoR, we will soon lose it all.
SrA Eric Olsen
MCPO Treants, not yet. My grandmother was a member of the DAR but I am having to put my joining the SAR on hold for a bit until I see what happens with my job or I land another one.
What I have come to understand is that the Bill of Rights was written as a form of protection, from the federal, state, and local governments, for our inalienable rights as human beings. These are our natural rights as people, not something we are granted by any government. To do away with any or all of it would be putting citizens in a powerless position in regards to our government.
Doing away with the 1st amendment is out of the question. It is also not discriminatory towards agnostics nor atheists:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I read this as meaning people have the right to practice their religion if they chose to follow one, speak and write freely, and assemble peacefully to make changes to our government.
As for the 2nd amendment, I do not feel that I am qualified to answer accurately. However, I believe it means that citizens have the inherent right to defend themselves by maintaining weapons (within reason of course):
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Some have interpreted this to mean that only those who form a militia should be allowed to keep and bear arms. Others maintain that it means all citizens have the same right. I personally feel more secure in an environment where open and/or conceal carry of personal weapons are authorized as it appears to be a deterrent to those intending to cause harm to others.
Doing away with the 1st amendment is out of the question. It is also not discriminatory towards agnostics nor atheists:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I read this as meaning people have the right to practice their religion if they chose to follow one, speak and write freely, and assemble peacefully to make changes to our government.
As for the 2nd amendment, I do not feel that I am qualified to answer accurately. However, I believe it means that citizens have the inherent right to defend themselves by maintaining weapons (within reason of course):
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Some have interpreted this to mean that only those who form a militia should be allowed to keep and bear arms. Others maintain that it means all citizens have the same right. I personally feel more secure in an environment where open and/or conceal carry of personal weapons are authorized as it appears to be a deterrent to those intending to cause harm to others.
CMDCM Gene Treants
SPC R. Since the BoR applies to the Constitution, it only defines what the Federal Government can do. Each State has its own governing document which defines the powers and limits (if any of the State).
ANd I also feel more secure in a place where citizens are able to secure their rights as defined in the 2nd and form militias as needed and when needed. (No, I am not a member of any.)
ANd I also feel more secure in a place where citizens are able to secure their rights as defined in the 2nd and form militias as needed and when needed. (No, I am not a member of any.)
WO1 (Join to see)
MCPO Treants, thank you for the correction. I made an assumption in my post based on fading high school education. Just for clarification (and my own re-education): can a state create a law that infringes upon the BoR? If so, to what extent?
Cpl Westin Sandberg
Master Chief, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the fourteenth amendment make the US Constitution and all amendments apply to all states, counties, and city governments as well?
I think another option in the voting should be periodic review for relevance. I think this is a pretty black and white question to a very grey issue.
CMDCM Gene Treants
Corporal Hicks, I agree that your question on the survey would have been a good one if I had thought of it at the time. I do think that most citizens who are informed do think about this issue, but the framers did not have this as an option. However, each Amendment is a periodic review of the Constitution as you know.
Bill of Rights was created to prevent the Federal government from illegal intrusion into the lives of its citizens. Without serious study of History, so common in our society, it is not surprising that the unschooled are following the line of thinking of the despicable levelers that seek to destroy this country.
CMDCM Gene Treants
An average education today does not include an in depth study of our founding. In particular the study of the debate between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists is totally lost or overlooked today.
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