Posted on May 24, 2014
CMDCM Gene Treants
Do you believe the bill of rights is outdated and should be either dropped in its entirety or at least rewritten
My Goddaughter seems to be very representative of many people in her generation in believing that the Second Amendment is totally outdated and needs to be eliminated. As with many on the left, she feels that no individual has any need for a handgun.

Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?

So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
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Responses: 241
LCDR Aerospace Engineering Duty, Maintenance (AMDO and AMO)
You can rewrite it if you want - you can even do so with my blood, because you're going to have to spill a lot of it before you do so.
CPO William E. Mahoney
CPO William E. Mahoney
>1 y
no they are well written and fit life today as they did when the were first ratified by the continental congress and the states that joined later.
SSG William Patton
SSG William Patton
>1 y
Everyone on this site has taken an oath before God to support and defend the Consitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Our foreign enemies are easy to spot, it is the domestice enemy that poses the problem. From my perpective, anyone who suberts the Constitution or tries to weaken what it means, is my enemy. Too many have died defending freedoms stated in the Bill of Rights for it to not mean what it says, without interpretation. The politicos today worship power and money, or iis it money and power, A equals B or B equals A. They are the same to me. The elitist, who built their fortunes under our system now all of the sudden want to change it, to what end. If it means destruction of the Bill of Rights, then we should know, they are our enemy. These are the people who donate millions to political action groups in support of candidates who will stifle our speech, take our guns, or deprive of us due process of law. We are the warriors of the nation who have risked it all and we are the ones who must prevent the destruction of the document that made this nation great.
Cpl Dennis F.
Cpl Dennis F.
>1 y
Could not agree more. Our oath contained no expiration date and I for one did not take it lightly. I worry for those who do not, or will not, see the approaching storm.
SSG William Patton
SSG William Patton
>1 y
Dennis, the great nation was forged by 3% of the people in the beginning. This 3% is the Founding Fathers, who saw a vision and were willing to risk it all to achieve that dream, freedom. Generations since then have fought and died, again a small percent of the people, to protect freedom and the dream. I like you took an oath that has no expiration date and again, it appears as if, this 3% of the people will be the ones to restoke the fire of freedom and restore the dream.
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SGT Bruce Bradshaw
The BOR, encompassing the first ten amendments to the Constitution, was added after ratification because there were skeptics who understood that any Government, given some power, would, in time, enlarge that power. The BOR was to bind the hands of the Government to keep them from mischief as Thomas Jefferson put it. Unfortunately, while the uninformed American public was sleeping, we have experienced death by a thousand cuts.
The BOR has been attacked thousands of times until little remains of the original intent. We're told that "political correctness" overrides the first amendment. No one should own a gun--the Government has a monopoly on the use of force so goodbye 2nd amendment. Militarized police forces no longer "serve and protect", they violate the fourth and fifth amendment, etc. etc.
Including the BOR in the Constitution did not grant the individual anything, the founders simply recognized that we are endowed with certain rights by virtue of our existence as humans. Neither the Government nor anyone else can take those rights from us. Each violation is reason to strengthen our resolve to bring the violator back onto the reservation.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
The skeptics have never been proven more correct than today. It has become more and more of a battle since passage of the Brady Bill, which many saw as a needed piece of legislation. Especially those who never studied history.
SGT James Korman
SGT James Korman
>1 y
"Those that refuse to study History are condemned to repeat it"
George Santyana

Re: Constitutional Convention; in the late 1780's France was in dire financial straits but in an agreement with the assembly of 1710, the King agreed to call a Constitutional Assembly in order to raise taxes. That was the intent, however when the Plebeians acquired power they proceeded to destroy the Monarchy yielding to the insanity of Democracy from which much of the chaos that exists to this day. In addition, the systematic destruction in the educational system in this country yields a mind boggling degree of intellectual vacuity that must make our forebearers twist in the graves.
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Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Leave it as it is.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
Agreed PV1 Cherry
SSG Kevin McCulley
SSG Kevin McCulley
>1 y
Cherry, you're a fellow doc and I love you for it, but damn I know you had a rough time in IMT.
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SFC Jerry Humphries
There is nothing wrong with out bill of rights, the problem is politicians do not want to follow it.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
SFC Humphries you are spot on! Now it is time for all of us to VOTE the incumbents out of office. If our message is taken to heart and understood, then maybe, just maybe the fresh crop and the remaining Senators will get the message; DO YOUR JOB!
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SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
A call to arms
It's easy to read but hard to understand without knowing true freedom.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
Paine was absolutely correct and we all need to be reminded of this SSg Redondo. Thanks for posting this reminder!
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SFC Quality Control Technical Inspector
I am one of the people raising the newest crop of voters (1 at 19 years and 1 at 17 years old) all of their life we have sat down at the dinner table together, turned off the TV and discussed topics from politics and religion to jokes and the "what did you do today". I have always told them to listen to our (conservitive) oppinions and then do your own research and make your own conclusion on what is right. On most topics my children belive the conservative values are correct with a few exceptions that I hope is just misspent youthful ideology. I can see in their friends that this has not been the way of growing up; a lot of their friends do not sit at the dinner table, much less discus important topics with family except when at our house. I can see that they have been raised by the school, social media and the entertainment industry. I fear that the current administration, the social push for political correctness, the pressure from popular youth TV shows and the disconnect in the modern family will lead us to a point where the Bill of Rights along with the entire Constitution will eventually be removed or weakened to the point it is useless and will no longer provide the guidence, hope and protection to the people.

I cannot give you a thumbs down for posting different or unpopular thoughts, in fact i'll give you a thumbs up for doing so.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
Thanks for your comments SSG Gilbreath. I believe that our rights are only good as long as we talk about them and debate their worth. It is nice the know that some families keep the dinner table tradition of discussion, debate, and education alive and well. Thanks for what you do. Your children will spread this on to their friends and their own kids.
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I'll admit my house didn't do this as often as they could've, but I look back and appreciate when it was done. Sounds like your kids won't contribute to the decreasing population of youth that don't have much in the way of a strong moral compass. Seems to me they're pretty well set up for success.
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CPL Joseph Otto
Edited >1 y ago
I had just finished a similar conversation yesterday with a friend of mine. One my points was that many of us that have served, we served to ensure that the American people retain the rights that they have. 1-26, it is not up to us to decide which ones we support and which ones we are against. We took an oath to defend the constitution as a whole, not just one singular part of it, and not just the first 10 known as the Bill of Rights. In my honest opinion, the constitution has been walked enough by the greed of our politicians. Just some food for thought
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
Concour Cpl Otto.
SSG William Patton
SSG William Patton
>1 y
The Founding Fathers were very wise men who had lived under the Tyranny of King George. What the put forth has made this the greatest nation in the history of earth and it has stood the test of time. Now a bunch of selve serving politicians, many of whom have never put anything on the line for this document, much less their lives, as we veterans and those serving today have and do. They want to dismantle the Constitution to achieve their political goals of socialism/communism, which many of us on the forum risked our lives fighting against, and would do it again. The Constitution has served this nation well for 200 plus years, there is not reason to change or alter it in anyway.
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SGT James Korman
The Bill of Rights is a document designed to protect the people from the overarching desire of all Governments (democracy in particular) to enslave its citizens. It is a bulwark against the rapacious political class. I find the endless diatribe against the 2nd amendment as prima fascia evidence for this control. Hitler's first upon assuming power, confiscate all the guns. In my view those oppose the 2nd amendment are incipient Hitler's.

If the Bill of Rights were dispensed with what is it to be replaced with and more importantly who will drive the discussion. Making a decision to end/alter the BoR in this fractious society is attempted it could easily descend into Secession and/or another war of Liberal aggression!

Sgt. James Korman, 1st/15th Arty, 2ID
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
Sgt Korman, I have never heard the Civil War called a war of Liberal Aggression before - that is a new one for me - thanks. However I do tend to agree that utter turmoil and chaos would ensue - and probably a new civil rights war if that day ever happened.
SGT James Korman
SGT James Korman
>1 y
A Civil War is one iin which one side or the other wants control of the entire government. The South merely sought to secede from the union, by definition not a civil war type event. In fact several other nations went through secession throughout the 19th Century ours was the only one that manifested a war. To this day the considers the so called 'Civil War' the war of Northern Aggression. I submit that progressive is a better choice of words than liberal.

SGT. James J Korman, 1/15 Arty, 2ID
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SGT Ait Student
it should be rewrote to make it clear what they mean. The idea is great but we have to stop this tired back and forth "interpretation" of what they really meant when they wrote it.
This is our Bill of Rights there should be no room for a debate in what they are meant for
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
Understand your point PV1 Belcher. However as a living document, how we see it does change from time to time, but we always have to keep the founders beliefs in our minds.
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
>1 y
PV1 Belcher we have the founding fathers letters & writings that plainly explain what they meant. not sure where you stand on the issue but if it is ever rewritten it will be like the CWO2 wants with do many restrictions you will have no liberty.
SGT Ait Student
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Indeed, that scares me for the future of America. These most basic rights are by our own words fundamental rights of ALL people. They don't go away with the times, these rights have been there form the beginning and always should be as they where then till the end.

The day we forsake the basic rights of all men is the day we kill the country our founding fathers created.
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Sgt John H.
It seems that political correctness is taking over. The Bill of Rights are a written guarantee of our freedoms as a United States citizen. Doing away with them gives the government full power to act in any manner, enact any law, regardless. I feel that we are seeing a constant grab by the Federal government to control our thoughts and actions. The basic reason behind the right to bear arms is so that individual citizens may protect themselves from over reaching government... Unreasonable search and seizure, freedom of speech. How do you retract or rewrite something that makes us the greatest nation on the planet. Stand up for your rights, preserve the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
Concour SGT Houck. The BoR is our best bet in case of government run amok.
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