Posted on Oct 29, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
Republican debate runs off the rails and turns into all-out war as Trump bashes John Kasich, Jeb hits his protege Marco Rubio, and EVERYONE hammers CNBC's moderators for losing control
CNBC hosts progressively lost control of the event
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz turned openly hostile, accusing them all of being Democrats intent on damaging the GOP field
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie soon piled on the network
Donald Trump wrapped up his night by claiming he had strong-armed them into shortening the debate 'so we can get the hell out of here'
'CNBC should be ashamed of how this debate was handled,' Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus said.

Claims of media bias became a major theme of the night, with Cruz letting loose the night's first scathing barrage against moderators Carl Quintanilla, Becky Quick and John Harwood.

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Responses: 28
1SG First Sergeant
There will always be a left and a right no matter what the parties call themselves. What the real concern is the divide between them. We as American's have given up all semblance of unity in politics, and have given into the divisiveness. The Party's are set to serve the party's and not the people, and the people have lost control over their Government. In many ways I wish both of the Party's would go away.  
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PVT Robert Gresham
Of course, there will be. There may be some shifts in policy, but the GOP will still be here for quite a while yet. The next POTUS will likely be a Republican.

As for the GOP debate, as soon as the debate stated with John Harwood asking if Donald Trump Donald was running, "a comic-book version of a presidential campaign", it was obvious that the CNBC moderators were only there to insult, and bait the candidates. The moderators tried, rather unsuccessfully, to turn the candidates to ONLY attack each other, until Ted Cruz called them on their disgusting behavior. It could have been a great debate, but it turned out to be mostly garbage thanks to the CNBC moderators.
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CW5 Regimental Chief Warrant Officer
Perhaps the moderators should have viewed this as a debate between candidates rather than interviews between them and the candidates.
A true, unbiased moderator would say: "Issue 1: Federal Budget. Mr. Trump?" etc and move on down the line
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Did CNBC moderators do a sufficient job during the 28 Oct GOP debate?
SSG Gerhard S.
They did a great job of it was their aim to belittle, marginalize and antagonize the candidates. As far as moderating a debate they were extremely lacking. My opinion, which appeared to be shared, in large measure, by the candidates themselves.
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SGT Jeremiah B.
The problem is that the current attitude in ALL major media outlets is that stirring the pot is the path to success. No one gives a crap about fair and balanced. They only care about ratings and ad revenue. It doesn't help that you have bombastic personalities like Trump in the mix, talking head personalities might be tempted to go more for the outrageous, viral sound byte than questions that require substance.
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SFC Platoon Sergeant
I'd like to see both parties disappear.
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SMSgt Tony Barnes
No...they were hostile. They had drug up quotes to try to trip them. Oh, for the days of neutral moderators...true journalists.
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CW3 Jim Norris
Thank God the adults, those being the Republican candidates, showed up. CNBC should be ashamed of the caustic and belittling attitude shown by their staff. Senator Cruz's commentary, along with Senator Rubio's where spot on. Dr. Carson is magnificent in his demeanor and grasp of facts and character. Mr. Trump simply ran circles around Mr. Bush, as did Senator Rubio. Ms. Fiorina did a fine job. The RNC must be out of it's collective minds to even consider CNBC as a venue for debating national policy and priorities, why not see if Pravada could provide the 'moderators'? While I have little in agreement with Governor Christie - his 'even in New Jersey what you're doing is considered rude' was a very classy way of pinning the tail on the donkey, the obvious progressive Clintonite moderator. The candidates revealed more knowledge, character and leadership qualities in each of them than either of the Democratic candidates, staying in the substance and controlling the mud slinging minions of CNBC. Bravo Donald, Ben, Marco, al.
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LCDR Naval Aviator
Everyone talks about the negative attitude or demeanor of moderators, but fails to acknowledge that the candidates themselves have been caustic and rude throughout. It's not hard to find absurd or rude comments from most of the GOP field. Hell, the rudest and worst-behaved person in that building is the GOP frontrunner.
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SPC(P) Civil Affairs Specialist
"No" is an understatement. Every debate so far, but exceptionally so this one, has been designed to create infighting or "look how terrible so-n-so is" headlines to slander the GOP the next day.. The debate wasn't even finished before they were broadcasting these headlines across Facebook like "Jeb to Rubio: You should show up to work or resign" "Ted Cruz to Carl Quintailla: "I'll buy you a tequila...or even some famous Colorado brownies." or "You find me a Democrat that's for cutting spending $10, I'll give them a warm kiss." — Jeb Bush"

The event was yet another waste of time. I'm glad to see that the candidates finally began to push back against the BS. Dr. Carson's campaign manager stated that they will be contacting the campaign managers from the other candidates and organizing a revolt of this type of behavior. It will be interesting to see if they are successful in organizing debates that actually pertain to the issues and where the candidates stand, instead of who can insult who, or addressing the propaganda.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Unfortunately Ben Carson is completely and totally unqualified for elective office.

SPC(P) Civil Affairs Specialist
SPC(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Considering he's currently showing in first place national polls (and beating Hillary by double digits in one on one polling), and has the highest favorable rating of any candidate, i'd say the majority of the republican base disagrees with you Sir.
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