Posted on Nov 12, 2015
Democrats urge Obama to slap stricter safety rules on gun makers.
Here we go again. Why do democrats keep pushing Obama for stricter gun laws. I mean, I'm sure at least one of them have a firearm. He can't get to gun owners so now he's being pushed to go after gun makers. I realize some of you RP members aren't crazy about guns, but it is getting run into the ground. There are plenty of ways for a gun owner to make his weapons safer. Locks or gun safes are the best ways. I have both. My pistol, I keep out for protection is locked during the day and unlocked at night. It's a very simple and safe process. BTW, the keys are here hidden.
WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders won't take up gun control legislation, so a handful of Democrats are turning to President Barack Obama to get something done.
Four lawmakers wrote to Obama on Thursday urging him to use his executive authority to require gun manufacturers who sell guns to the federal government to use stricter safety measures, like researching "smart guns" and working with law enforcement. Last year, the government awarded more than $130 million in federal contracts to major gun manufacturers like Glock and Smith & Wesson, both of which also sell guns to the general public.
"As the largest single domestic buyer of guns, the federal government is in a position to demand changes from gun manufacturers through the procurement process," reads the letter from Reps. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), Adam Schiff (Calif.), Elizabeth Esty (Conn.) and Robin Kelly (Ill.).
WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders won't take up gun control legislation, so a handful of Democrats are turning to President Barack Obama to get something done.
Four lawmakers wrote to Obama on Thursday urging him to use his executive authority to require gun manufacturers who sell guns to the federal government to use stricter safety measures, like researching "smart guns" and working with law enforcement. Last year, the government awarded more than $130 million in federal contracts to major gun manufacturers like Glock and Smith & Wesson, both of which also sell guns to the general public.
"As the largest single domestic buyer of guns, the federal government is in a position to demand changes from gun manufacturers through the procurement process," reads the letter from Reps. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), Adam Schiff (Calif.), Elizabeth Esty (Conn.) and Robin Kelly (Ill.).
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
This is how they will enact de facto gun control while affirming the 2nd Amendment. They will want to make guns and ammo so expensive that it will be prohibitive in cost. Requiring insurance is another way they will try to do this. What you see here is the coercion of the Federal government possibly being employed in a "soft" manner toward gun manufacturers.
COL Jon Thompson
SGT (Join to see) the government can threaten to not purchase guns from manufacturers that do not do what they want. It is how one way they use coercion with states as well. If states don't do what they want, they withhold funds. It's financial extortion.
SGT (Join to see)
COL Jon Thompson , Sir, no matter how it's sliced its blackmail. Thank you for clearing that up for me.
COL Jon Thompson
SGT (Join to see) - I agree. Makes me sick to my stomach to see the direction our Nation is going.
SGT (Join to see)
COL Jon Thompson, It makes me worry about our grandchildren and how all of this will affect them. When I say our grandchildren, I'm talking about all of the grandchildren. I want things to be simple again and honesty to rein in our government. I'll be gone in a few years and right now, there is no legacy to leave to my grandchildren. Since returning from Vietnam, there have been many changes in the way people think. The hippies days are gone, men wear earrings , girls get tattoos all over their body, gangs are really GANGS, a veteran isn't appreciated except by veterans and friends and family, sometimes a stranger walks over and thanks you for serving, Korea and Vietnam are "skimmed" over in school, there's no more prayer allowed, no more pledge of allegiance in schools, you have to worry about yourself being harmed by simply being outside, any public religious statues or signs have to be removed. I'm really worried where our country will be in, say, 2025. The wars continue to grow, nuclear war is on the minds again, ISIS is taking over most of the Middle East. Our hands are tied when it comes to conventional war fare. Everything has to be politically correct, or you are an SOB if you speak your mind. Military members have to work two or three extra jobs to survive after returning from being deployed, and on and on.
Sorry, about ranting, but all of the problems are serious problems, the next generation may not be able to handle. I don't want them to do what we do. We eke along everyday griping about the things I mentioned above, and nothing gets fixed. I don't trust any of the candidates or any politician. They are all,corrupt in one way or another. Our government has turned into I'll scratch your back if you do mine, instead of I've got your back. I'm through. I could go on but I would continue to be upset. It really stinks.
Sorry, about ranting, but all of the problems are serious problems, the next generation may not be able to handle. I don't want them to do what we do. We eke along everyday griping about the things I mentioned above, and nothing gets fixed. I don't trust any of the candidates or any politician. They are all,corrupt in one way or another. Our government has turned into I'll scratch your back if you do mine, instead of I've got your back. I'm through. I could go on but I would continue to be upset. It really stinks.
In the wake of the attacks on a civilian population in Paris France, I believe they can kiss my arse, i'll keep my firearms.
SGT (Join to see)
The POTUS might change his mind and ask us to buy more firearms to keep our country ready in case we are attacked like those in Paris. It's gonna take something like if we are attacked. Mine is going with me everywhere.
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