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Responses: 11
Laurie Thomas
My husband is 100% disabled since 2006 and could not work at all. He has been declined 4 times by the Veterans Administration for disability. He is a Vietnam vet. he has many knots coming up on his body and he has Gastritis and it is getting worse every day.He has pain all the time, I am his care giver. I had to retire at age 62 to stay home and care for him. He has PTSD, Depression and CIPD. He alsohas ringing of his ears. No one has helped us and we are financially in the red every month. Please help Us!

Laurie & Jimmy Thomas in Archer City, TX
SSgt Stephen Cochran
SSgt Stephen Cochran
>1 y
Have you contacted your regional or County Veterans service. That service is what I used to fill out my initial and ongoing requests for VA services. They are my advocates in all things VA. If you believe that his issues are from his time in the USMC then it would really be smart for you to contact someone who has experiences. Being 100% disables I cannot help feel for your situation.
Laurie Thomas
Laurie Thomas
>1 y
I have been down to the Va local office about 8 times. I took jim’s dd214 and all his doctors letters on his conditions and no response was ever given to me. I am so tired of gathering info and they will not help us. Not even a phone call.,,.SSgt Stephen Cochran
MSgt Richard Hawkins
MSgt Richard Hawkins
>1 y
Richard Hawkins, MSgt , USAF, Retired : I would suggest you do the following: 1.Contact nearest VA regional office to make appointment with a counselor 2. Contact local employment office for Tel. Nrs. of Local Veterans Rep.(LVER) and Disabeled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist (DVOP) and contact either or at best both 3. Contact Your County Veterans Service Officer( if available in Texa1s). Have any and all documentation to include: 1. Veteran DD214 2. Medical Records related to claimed disabilities 3.Vietnam Vets ( if in country) get on VA agent orange register. In most all cases only service incurred disabilities are considered or those that are aggravated by military service are awarded service connection by the VA. There is HELP out there, one or all of the aforementioned contacts will assist you. Hope this of some HELP,Good Luck
SSgt Stephen Cochran
SSgt Stephen Cochran
>1 y
Laurie Thomas - Laurie, the folks I was speaking about are not affiliated with the VA. Rather they specialize helping you deal with the VA. They listen to your case, review your husband's DD214, and work with you to submit the correct forms if they believe you have a case to claim. I would not necessary work directly with the VA to try and get him rated. The money depends on his rating which may increase overtime. I believe ALL Veterans should have access to some or all of their medical issues. Another source for you to turn to are American Legion, Marine Corps League, and senior citizen originations. My VA rating started at 30%. That gets you complete medical but no dental.
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PO1 Danyelle Ohara
No one tells you how financially overwhelming it is being a veteran
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CPT David Gowel
Solid organization. Glad to see the VA partnering with non-profits like these.
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