Posted on Sep 11, 2016
COL Lee Flemming
The stats from the pic are a few years old, but have not changed much in recent years...
Posted in these groups: Images Military Career
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 46
CPL Kevin Hathaway
All my time on active duty did was keep me married to a miserable hag 5 years longer than I should have been.
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
>1 y
Introspection...! Miserable hag? Thanks for the share Sir!
CPL Kevin Hathaway
CPL Kevin Hathaway
>1 y
Made me smile Sir. I thought better of some other descriptive words I could have used.
A1C Lisa Casserly
A1C Lisa Casserly
>1 y
Ouch. But then, there were no four letter words involved, so you showed remarkable restraint!!
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SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
COL Lee Flemming ,
Interesting stats. I do not know if military service strengthened or ruined my marriage as I have been with the same woman for 20 years. But I cannot deny it has most certainly been challenged, both before and during service.
SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
>1 y
COL Lee Flemming ,
Either that, or she just chooses to TOLERATE me! HAHAHA!!! But I do love her to pieces!!
A1C Lisa Casserly
A1C Lisa Casserly
>1 y
COL Lee Flemming - But isn't that the way its supposed to be? That you WANT to be with your spouse? Yes, there are days when I think JUST PLEASE GO TO WORK... But then, I'm sure I'm sometimes a pain in the backside, and a thorn in his side. Actually, I have no idea why he puts up with my moods and depression. He's a good man, the best thing that EVER happened to me.
Cpl Elizabeth Koeneman
Cpl Elizabeth Koeneman
>1 y
A1C Lisa Casserly - I teased hubby once that our marriage is stronger when we have time apart. He had a lot of leave and had to use it or lose it, so he took about three weeks. We didn't have enough money to go anywhere, so we just stayed home. Close to the end of the leave, after we had completely cleaned the apartment top to bottom (fall cleaning, but the apartment was so small it only took a couple of days) i told him I couldn't wait for him to go back to work because he was driving me nuts. He told me he felt the same way. Lol
A1C Lisa Casserly
A1C Lisa Casserly
>1 y
Cpl Elizabeth Koeneman - LOL. I completely get that feeling. My husband is a total neat freak. I am... not. I don't want to say that its as bad as hoarders, but wow, I think it could get that way. I'm getting better, now that I'm older, at saying NO. THROW IT AWAY. Like, when you are young and have small kids, so many people think you need CLOTHES for them. I swear, honestly, that there was a time when my kids could wear at least one outfit per day, and then throw it out, and we'd never run out of clothes. The laundry situation alone was unbelievable. I finally said STOP. Thanks for thinking of me, but STOP. I just can't keep up.
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SSG Stephan Pendarvis
I would say that nothing can ruin a marriage but the parties involved.
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MSG Don Burt
If "ANYONE," says the Military ruined their marriage, that person is a sorry piece of crap and is using the Military as a COP OUT for their own personal incompetence and lacking the ability to prepare for their Marriage Career.
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
>1 y
Strong...but understandable...!
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PO3 Jack Lamb
Just about ruined mine. If I wasn't a forgiving type, it would have been over 30 some years ago. Jody was another shipmate. Typical. I would stay away from marriage in the military. Just my experience I know there are a lot of folks that make it just fine.
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1stSgt Raymont Johnson
I think military have help readily available if they chia to pursue it. Have you looked at stats for those returning from depoyment in combat zones
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Cpl Elizabeth Koeneman
Edited >1 y ago
Military is responsible for us getting married. We're from about 3 1/2 hours apart, but would never have met if we hadn't joined.
Next month is our tenth anniversary. Although the truth of how we are still together is simple. We agreed, whoever leaves first has to take the children. We have five boys, ages 9, 8, 7, 4, and 2. My parents used to say the same thing, until my mom passed away less than two months before their 30th anniversary.
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SFC James Lahtonen
I'm not sure why my wife chose me or if the military strengthened our relationship. My wife grew up an "Army Brat"(her term, not mine so save all the PC) so I think she had a better handle on how life was in the military. There were more than one date interrupted by work, so she knew what she was getting into. I could never replace her as she has been the anchor stone to my sanity for so many years. I thank her constantly for picking me, as without her I was on the road to ruin. She has been beside me for 23 years and over half of that I was serving, so she is either really strong or stubborn. She practically raised our son, who seems to have turned out OK, by herself, and especially during his formative years. I AM THE LUCKIES MAN ALIVE!!!
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
My wife and I have now been married 39 years, it might just work ! We always do things together, with USAF She participated in many of the ceremonies I was involved or was there, as an example n this picture on My promotion to SMSgt My wife Joanne is placing the rank insignia on my right shoulder while Colonel Moore, Director of Security Police for Hq Air Force Systems Command does the right shoulder.
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
>1 y
Chief you may just have the formula!!!
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1LT Rich Voss
Colonel - I shouldn't touch this with a proverbial ..... I'm about as bad an example as one could find. Married a German girl while Active (in Germany) came back to the States, left Active duty for Active reserves, she missed parents, friends, and Germany, so went back. Lots of back and forth travel, by me, including enrolling in a German University. No dice. Six years, over and out. Rest break. Another 6 year marriage. Not advancing enough in business. Done. Rest break, never again. Then a thirteen year marriage. Oh, heck no. Marriage counseling, separation...done again. Very expensive business this "habit". Very. Now married for LAST time to lovely woman for 12 years. She calls herself "The Last Mrs. Voss" and she's correct, Sir ! I'm the guy that drags down the average, as you see. I suppose I could "blame" my original S1 that said: "Has anyone talked to you about marrying this German girl ?" Well, no ! So he said: "I'm married, please stay single !" Heck, her father served in the German Army in WWII and was born in what was East Germany. Apparently the parents background check even worked out. So, OKAY the military ruined my first marriage, and I take 1/2 responsibility for the middle two. The end !
SFC Joseph Weber
SFC Joseph Weber
>1 y
I don't know, if my wife told me she was the last Mrs Weber I would assume she planned to kill me if I tried anything funny.
1LT Rich Voss
1LT Rich Voss
>1 y
SFC - Yes, I thought of that as well. None of the previous ones ever said anything remotely like that. Hopefully, your wife is THE ONE AND ONLY Mrs. Weber !
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