Posted on May 30, 2015
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
La ol patriotact congress aclu 20150528
Around 1:30 a.m. Saturday, there was a seismic shift in the U.S. Congress. As the Senate deadlocked over what to do about several expiring provisions of the Patriot Act, it became clear that political momentum had moved away from surveillance and secrecy toward freedom and privacy.

In a rare and theatrical overnight session, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tried and failed to reauthorize or even briefly extend the Patriot Act's surveillance powers before senators left Washington for their weeklong holiday break. At every turn, he was blocked by a bipartisan group of civil libertarians and surveillance skeptics led by presidential hopeful Sen. Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, and Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon. Their main target was Section 215, which the government argues allows the National Security Agency to collect, store and analyze Americans' phone records and other intimate information in bulk.
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Responses: 23
MSgt Mark Bucher
Bill of Rights. A no-brainer
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1LT Safety Health Environmental Professional
The Lincoln administration wrestled with this question years ago. Many wrestle with this every day on the job, in the courtrooms and across the globe. There are those that would see our great land torn from within again. But I say nay! We know already who the enemy[ies] of the Constitution are...They commit treason anytime they think and currently are not held accountable. They know the law is a schoolmaster and so have thrown out the law by declarations of their failed impeachments and have heaped up lawyers and judges who pardon their treaties, treason, nay sayings and wreck-less failures even failing to read their own laws written by the hands of them they have staffed, entrusted with their life, and say, "Nay for we have done no whoring to you or this piece of paper I constantly wipe my butt with!" In your time Lord, we are ready pour out your spirit and without bloodshed let us secure freedom and liberty!
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LCpl Mark Lefler
I don't mind giving up a little freedom for safety, I guess this is a topic that I'm not overly concerned about. The way the system was pre 9/11 worked mostly, and I feel the same after 9/11 the new system worked mostly... so either way with the whole surveillance issue.
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