Posted on Mar 18, 2015
SSG Norman Lihou
Thediplomat 2014 06 09 05 34 29 386x256
Now Beijing may finally be ready to drop the charade. The updated edition of The Science of Military Strategy, an authoritative analysis of China’s military thinking , includes references to China’s cyber-warfare units. “This is the first time we’ve seen an explicit acknowledgement of the existence of China’s secretive cyber-warfare forces from the Chinese side,” Joe McReynolds of the Center for Intelligence Research and Analysis told The Daily Beast. “[T]hey’ve come out and said, ‘Yes, we do in fact have network attack forces, and we have teams on both the military and civilian-government sides.’”

The Science of Military Strategy, published in Chinese in 2001 (and translated into English in 2007) is a staple reference not only for Western scholars but for senior PLA strategists and decision makers, explains Andrew Erickson, an expert on Chinese military affairs at the U.S. Naval War College. The updated edition was published in Chinese in December 2013 but only recently became available to foreign analysts. China is well aware that the book is widely studied by foreign experts as well as Chinese military thinkers, meaning the reference to cyber-attack forces was likely a carefully considered decision.

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Responses: 1
TSgt Joshua Copeland
Like there was any doubt.
SSG Norman Lihou
SSG Norman Lihou
10 y
Very little MSgt Joshua Copeland considering the publication of the book Unrestricted Warfare which pointed out all the various forms of war that china should use to include resource, economic, and network warfare. That publication was translated back in 1999.
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