Posted on Jun 28, 2016
CPT Jack Durish
Another topic that I began a short while ago has elicited several responses about "hate". The authors seem to see hate at the root of racial bigotry. Is it?

Do we hate people who are different or do we fear them?

Do we hate our enemies or do we fear them?

Many of us have been shot at. Did you hate the person who shot at you? I was angry. I was going to kill the SOB! But, no, I didn't hate him.

I have only truly hated one person in my life, my ex-wife. Don't worry, I got over it. Hatred, I learned, takes a lot of time and energy and its difficult to sustain very long.

I could have responded to each person's comment individually in that other discussion thread, but the topic seemed important enough to have its own...
Posted in these groups: 07f1cd1e Anger
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 61
SSgt Christopher Brose
Absolutely, you can hate someone without first loving them. Hate is a strong word, but that doesn't mean it's not appropriate or accurate in a lot of situations. And let me be clear, situations and inanimate objects can be the legitimate objects of hatred, it's not limited to just people.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
An interesting response. I suppose some can. Maybe I can but I haven't ever hated someone I didn't first love. Indeed, one of my greatest challenges in life was learning to cope with disliking people I loved. For example, I loved my father even though he was a despicable SOB and abusive to his wife and two sons (of which, I was one). Despite the abuse I loved him. I just didn't like him and have spent my life weeding out every vestige of his character flaws when I discovered them in myself. As to hating inanimate objects, I can't even imagine it. Situations? Nope.
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Capt Seid Waddell
Hate is a strong word that is much abused.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
I think you're correct
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