Posted on Jan 4, 2020
WO1 Food Service Technician
If you’ve just PCS’d OCONUS to Germany with Command Sponsorship for both your dependents (Spouse & Child) and your child whom is 18 years of age who is on your orders stays/resides stateside to attend college are you entitled to the BAH with dependents rate where that child resides while you’re OCONUS? There is guidance on if your Spouse whom is a dependent were to reside stateside you could/can, however there is no guidance on if your child whom is a dependent were to do so. This is a unique circumstance with no regulatory guidance. I have come across an ALARACT message pertaining to a BAH Waiver through the Pentagon, but I am unsure if this situation would be applicable to said waiver. Also would/could this situation qualify for FSA?
Posted in these groups: Bah calculator BAHB3d30eb9 OCONUS
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Responses: 3
SFC Incheon Airport Jppc Ncoic
As long as you’re on an approved Command sponsored tour, you won’t receive BAH because your family is authorized to accompany you to the overseas command. Her going to a college CONUS is considered a chose so all expenses is out of pocket for you. It also does not qualify for FSA because again it’s a choice.

If you were on an unaccompanied tour you would receive it. Finance doesn’t give you money for your dependents that’s remains stateside when you’re on an accompanied tour. BAH waivers are for dependent spouses and is based upon the job they have such as being a school teacher. It’s not the same when it’s a dependent child because leaving them behind is a choice (no disrespect intended).
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
The BAH waiver you're referring to is for leaving your family while you attend training up to a year, usually PME. You're only eligible for FSA when the Army separates you from your family, not when they choose to stay behind.
As far as I am aware, you are only allowed to claim BAH for CONUS dependents is when you are on an unaccompanied tour and your dependents reside elsewhere.
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SFC Air Traffic Control Equipment Repairer
You can’t get both BAH and OHA when you go somewhere like Germany or Korea. You will go one or the other.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
5 y
Actually you can if you are on a non-accompanied tour. In this poster's case, it is voluntarily and he will not.
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