Posted on Jul 27, 2023
SPC Intelligence Analyst
Good afternoon everyone,

I was hoping to get some guidance on backdating my promotion due to administrative issues with the transition over to IPPS-A. I was recommended for promotion by the board back in November 2022, and was just waiting for my MOS orders from reclass to be uploaded onto iPERMS. Once I completed what was required with my G-1, the down trace unit that held the board informed me that they were unable to put me on the PPRL since they couldn't find me on IPPS-A; possibly because I was in their hierarchy. I sent a request up to our Readiness Division (RD) to be put onto the PPRL with a push back saying that it is now done on IPPS-A through our level's HHC, who were also unable to action the request. After months of back and forth communication with the downtrace, my G-1 and HHC, and RD I was put in contact with an individual that work at the RD. He looked into my case and informed me that they had "dropped the ball with me" due to the confusion with transitioning their systems over to IPPS-A. After speaking with him I was finally put on the PPRL that week. However now my unit's HHC is telling me that they are unable to find the E-5 slot on IPPS-A to move me in to. I've worked hard these last few months with my NCOIC to find answers and get issues resolved regarding my promotion, but there seems to be administrative discrepancies with people try to use IPPS-A. Is this a possible case to open up in order to backdate my orders from November since the delay in being promoted was no fault of my own? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated and thank you for your input.

SPC Cross
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Responses: 5
COL Randall C.
Possible? Yes.
Will it be easy? Depends.

The only reason this MIGHT be simple is because the authority for promotion lies with your Battalion Commander and if they support you it's likely possible.

Start with talking with your chain of command or the G1 and showing them that you should have your promotion backdated. If it's not as easy as convincing leadership or your G1, then it will go the hard way. The hard way is working you way up the chain of command, to USARC and finally to the ABCMR* if nothing has fixed it along the way.

Basically, this is what you'll have to show to your leadership in order to make your case:
1) You would have been put on the PPRL back in November;
2) You would have been slotted in an E-5 position for your MOS back in November; and
3) The only reason that didn't happen is due to a situation beyond your control and at the fault of others (i.e., an injustice was done to you).

You're likely to only have one shot to present your case, so I suggest you get all your evidence in order. All your evidence needs to address one of the above three items. If it doesn't, then it's superfluous and shouldn't be include (or only included as "backup").

Only you will be able to tell if "the juice is worth the squeeze" if it is more complicated than going through your leadership.

I'm making an educated guess, but there is probably about a $10 per UTA difference in your pay, so that's ~$40/month * 8 months = $320 or so. You'll also have an additional eight months TIG if successful.
SPC Intelligence Analyst
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Thank you so much for the guidance regarding this matter, sir. I will start looking over emails and message to start building my case.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician

I was Boarded for MSG in January of 2022. I went to MLC in June of 2022 (I was 2 of 9 on the OML). I pinned MSG on 5 January 2023 with a DOR of 1 DEC 2022. This, too, was because of the IPPS-A Brown Out. I should have pinned 1 July 2022 or even 1 August 2022. I was not even on the Slot Report until November 2022. I had ensured that I had 3K mileage travel distance for Promotion while at MLC.


If you're having a difficult time finding a slot to promote into, then chances are you are set at the Default 50 mile radius from your HOR for Promotion. This could either mean you did not update your mileage preference or someone forgot to update in the system your preference if you did so in fact increase your mileage for Promotion.

Course of Action:

Submit an updated Mileage Preference for Promotion DIRECTLY to your RD. I would recommend at least 500 miles to travel for Promotion. You will be surprised how fast you will get picked up.
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SMSgt Bob W.
Promotion should NOT be this difficult. I would refer you to this IG to remedy this situation.
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Can you get a promotion backdated?
SPC Intelligence Analyst
I just wanted to add some additional information to my post. There has been an open E-5 slot on the UMR/M-TOE at my unit for my MOS, in which my OIC and NCOIC have recommended I move to in order promote with in the unit. However, HHC has told me on three occasions that they saw the slot on IPPS-A and then were unable to find it on that system, even though they are tracking it on the UMR.
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SGM G3 Sergeant Major
"unable to find the E-5 slot on IPPS-A to move me in to" is your problem.

Until there is a valid E5 vacancy in your MOS, there is nowhere to promote you to, and therefore no promotion from which to work your backdate.
Once they find that vacancy to promote you to, if they can prove that it was also a valid vacancy back on the date of original offer, then you have a case to backdate your promotion to that date.
If they can't prove that, then your date of rank is the date they get you the vacancy.
SPC Intelligence Analyst
SPC (Join to see)
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Roger SGM, the only issue is that my unit does has an E-5 slot in the UMR and M-TEO for my section, however upon speaking with my G-1 and HHC today they informed me that they submitted a service ticker to the IPSS-A help desk in order to under atamd what happened to the slot.
SPC Intelligence Analyst
SPC (Join to see)
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In order to understand what happened to the slot*
SGM G3 Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
1 y
SPC (Join to see) - We are also working a couple of cases for this same issue for E5 promotions, luckily only a couple out of over a hundred promotions.
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