Posted on May 23, 2016
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
Both of our major political parties cause division that prevents many Americans from finding the middle ground we would naturally find, can we come together to put them in their place and back to work for us as was intended?
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Responses: 16
LTC Yinon Weiss
When you speak of middle ground, which of your core principles are you willing to compromise on, and in which ways? To get to a middle ground, both sides have to give something up which is important to them. What would you compromise?
LTC Yinon Weiss
LTC Yinon Weiss
>1 y
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen - Which is extreme? For one when you said that there are absolutely no principles you wouldn't mind compromising other than equal treatment under the law. Really? You have no other principles you would not yield on? That is quite extreme. It says that the only thing you really believe in is equally under the law, everything else is fair game.

Another example is your statement in the other post of "the American people refuse to see all human beings as equals." -- Really? All Americans? Not seeing "all human beings" as equals?

In general, any statement like "all", "never", "none", tend to an indication that it's on the extreme side of things. If this isn't something you agree with, then you need to restate your comments.
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
>1 y
LTC Yinon Weiss - That is not realistic in any way shape or form, we are not going to collectively regress as a society to the colonial era. You are making giant irrational leaps and calling my logic flawed, I can not see why you are acting like we are debating anything except current events in 21st century America.
LTC Yinon Weiss
LTC Yinon Weiss
>1 y
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen - I brought up frameworks, concepts, and principles. It doesn't seem like you want to engage in those, but being able to have a logical discourse is important to me, so I'll just dis-engage. Your inability to engage in a conversation with even somebody like myself (who actually agrees with your views on most topics) is probably the best answer to your original question. I'm glad to see that you are able to express yourself on RallyPoint though, and I hope you find what you seek. Good luck to you.
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
>1 y
LTC Yinon Weiss - I am completely open to discussing the existing framework that is operating in our nation. I see no reason to go off the deep end and manufacture hypothetical scenarios in order to discuss current events and problems within the society we live in.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Unfortunately Corporations and Big Money are Funding Media that pits us against each other for Table Scraps.
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SFC Marcus Belt
No. Next question.
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SFC Jerry Humphries
Our nation has been incrementally going left over the past 100 years. I think too many of our politicions see the Constitution as a living Document. They might as well be saying its toilet paper. I think The Democrats and Republicans play a game of political good cop bad cop with us. Have you notice how the established in both party's fight to keep the status quo. In stead of actually solving an issue or following through on a campaign promise.
The Federal Goverment was never meant to have as much power as it has now. Instead of passing laws to solve issues the Goverment passes laws to Start new departments or administrations leaving Bureacrats and other unelected persons to make Regulations We all all have to follow. Much of that power should instead be with your state and local Goverment and ourselves.
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LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
Its a long shot, but...

1. People would have to accept that not all majorities are aligned against all minorities...and that all minorities are not focused on overturning all majorities.

2. People would have to accept that some issues are best handled at the lowest possible level of government...if at all.

3. People would have to be more pragmatic.

4. Last, but certainly not least...we would need a government that was comprised less of those adept at mastering the "game", and more of those who sincerely wish to serve.
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MSG Pat Colby
Oh HELL no. "Middle Ground" is the curse that's been going on in DC for way too long. When Core Values are discarded, we ALL lose.

A little bit at a time we are losing our Constitutional Rights as a direct result of Bi-Partisanship bullshit.
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
SPC Rory J. Mattheisen
>1 y
MSG Pat Colby No middle ground has been reached it is always something from one extreme in exchange for something from the other extreme.

Our core values are meant to guide us to what is best for all of us.
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