Posted on Jul 14, 2022
Can TA or any other form of army program cover credentials/designations?
Hi, In the USAR, I am looking to continue my education for my civilian career (Insurance industry). I wanted to know if anyone has experience having credentials, certifications, and or designations paid for? As well as the steps in doing so or even a couple of websites or POC to possibly find answers for my question. Thank you.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
So.... You're an officer now, Google is your best friend. Start there first then ask questions for clarification. In the very, very near future as a logistics officer you will need to learn regs, or you will be out of a lot of money.
Don't take my word for it ask a few of the LG and TC officer branches here.
Don't take my word for it ask a few of the LG and TC officer branches here.
2LT (Join to see)
The only credentials the Air Force paid for were my EMT and EMT-Paramedic licenses.
The only credentials the Air Force paid for were my EMT and EMT-Paramedic licenses.
CSM G James
Join ACT NOW Facebook page they have numerous resources for CE and Certs all free [login to see] 714019840?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_share&utm_content=post
Also contact your local Private Public Partnership (P3O)
Also contact your local Private Public Partnership (P3O)
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