Posted on Aug 17, 2015
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
Jeb Bush’s Cavalry Arrives Amid Worry He's Ceding Too Much Ground.
His super PAC is finally set to open the vault with a big TV ad buy in early-voting states.
Since January, the super PAC supporting Jeb Bush has done one thing, and done it well: amass a nine-figure fortune, in hopes of making the former Florida governor's Republican presidential bid a political death star.
Now, as that super PAC prepares a post-Labor Day television advertising blitz in three critical early voting states, the question is whether the juggernaut designed to build and sustain Bush’s momentum has already missed its chance to reinvigorate a waning front-runner.
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Responses: 10
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
SGT (Join to see) If Jeb did get the Republican nod (which I don't think he will) then the Democrats would most likely win. There will won't be three different Bush's in the white house!
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
The same thing was said last night about Trump. If he decides to go neutral, Hillary is in. I don't think Jeb would be a good POTUS. Nobody is wants three Bush's. He's too laid back, COL Mikel J. Burroughs, IMO.
Sgt Spencer Sikder
Sgt Spencer Sikder
>1 y
Was shopping with my wife last night and the sale associate was making small talk and asked which candidate we liked. I told her I believe it's too soon in this race to worry about who. Like some, I don't believe Jeb will get the nod. When I was at the VA today visiting an Iwo survivor, he asked if I saw the news about Trump in Alabama. I did not so he began to say as a long term democrat, he is interested in this business man's approach. Since we haven't had a business man in the office, maybe it's time for a change. Not to piss on his parade, I just said, learning recently that there are people who get hired to fill a seat and cheer for whatever they are hired for, I don't see these events without skepticism of whether or not these are truly supporters or hired guns. The news media is leading the general public to believe what "they" want us to believe. I'm hopeful that not too soon we will finally see some substantive discussion regarding our future.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
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Cpl Software Engineer
Short answer, no! My friends nor I will pledge a single dime to the bush family. And if the RINOs crown him the primary winner, I'll vote third party, even it's Trump.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Lawyers have so jacked up the way business is done in Washington that our Founding Fathers would barely recognize what has become of the Constitutional Republic they left to us as our inheritance. They would be appalled to say the least. Am of the opinion that if the Founding Fathers could be transported forward in time to now, they would march into Congress, pistols drawn, and escort everyone outside for a "Come to Jesus" meeting. And dare I say, some of our leaders would be meeting Jesus that day.

SGT (Join to see), it irks me when guys like RINO John Boehner and Sen Lindsey Graham send me emails requesting donations so that they can continue fighting for us. Hell, they've been fighting for us for the last about seven years and haven't gotten anywhere... and if you look at their voting records they voted for some of the very things they claim to stand against!!! I'm convinced that they don't want to get anywhere and are milking the current stalemate in Congress for everything they can get from it << or more directly, from us!!! If they were to fix things, then what cause would they have to get us to send them more money?!! Am so sick of listening to them grovel for dollars. We pay their salaries. That ought to be enough to allow them to do their jobs, and seeing as how well they manage our money, I'll be damned if I'm going to throw good money after bad -- just so they can waste more of it!!!
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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It irks the hell out of me too. I get mail, phone calls, and notices put on my front door. If they would use the money they waste asking for contributions, they shouldn't need to ask for any contributions. It won't go towards anything they say it will, anyway. Our forefathers would be so disappointed to see what our government has done to its citizens. I don't know how some of the politicians live with themselves. They must not have any conscience. Capt Jeff S., it continues to become worse and worse every day. This is still the best country to live in, but it could be so much better.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
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SGT (Join to see) I think they would be disappointed with the citizens for allowing our government to become what it is today.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
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Probably so, Cpl (Join to see). They would be disgusted with everything that's gone on with our citizens. They might even want to burn some of them on a stake.
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CPT Jack Durish
I'm not convinced that any amount of money can "buy" the White House for another Bush. However, the influx of money into his campaign coffers is a fair indication of whom the party establishment is betting. Sadly, the GOP establishment isn't aligned with its conservative base. Just look at the performance of the GOP majority in Congress thus far. It will be interesting to see if a ground swell of conservatives and independents once again forms to propel a conservative into the White House just as they put the GOP majority in Congress. It doesn't appear that the Democrats have anyone to inspire such a movement, does it? If one of the conservatives vying for the GOP nomination doesn't win the nod, I fully expect the majority of voters to stay home and we'll have another flake in the White House...
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
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CPT Jack Durish, Things aren't looking very good for him according to tonight's news.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Trumps popularity is a referendum on the type of leadership we have seen come from the Establishment GOP. Hopefully the message is sinking in that the public is sick and tired of business as usual in Washington.
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Can Jeb Bush's Cash Advantage Save His Campaign?
LTC John Shaw
SGT (Join to see) Nothing is won or lost at this point. Trump is the guy for now, but that worm usually turns. If he uses the money wisely, he can have a consistent message over time. Bush is not my pick but I am sure he is many people 2- 6th choice. It is six months until any voting occurs and the March Super Tuesday is where most the votes will be cast in primaries. He just has to be in the top three coming out of Iowa, NH or SC to have a very good shot.
LTC John Shaw
LTC John Shaw
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) I do have to say, I was surprised at Trump's aggressive immigration policy stance. Wow! Actually enforce US laws, he is surprising me.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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Now, that would be a change. Those laws haven't been effective in many years. Lots of promises, but no effective progress, LTC John Shaw.
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
LTC John Shaw
For me personally, Jeb is my #2 guy. Please note Trump is NOT my #1 guy, more like my #5!
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Vote for Democrat Jeb Bush 2016! < /sarcasm >
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Capt Jeff S.
Why do we even care? Ideas! not bank accounts should be the measure by which the public chooses candidates.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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Capt Jeff S., That's a good idea Sir. Lol
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SSgt Alex Robinson
It's not money that will save him. He needs a message that reflects the needs of our nation
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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SSgt Alex Robinson, After what I heard on the news tonight, I don't think anything will save him.
SGT Michael DeLaGarza
SGT Michael DeLaGarza
>1 y
His campaign needs a new leader. His Son should replace him as the Candidate. His Son would do a much better job.
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PO1 John Miller
SGT (Join to see)
Like most others I think it's way too soon to say. In fact I think Jeb will gain some ground.

Again it's too early to say but he really impressed me in the debates, moving him up to my personal #2 choice, after Rand Paul.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
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I received a letter from Rand Paul yesterday asking for donations to his campaign. I didn't know we knew each other, PO1 John Miller . Lol
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CW3 Standardization Officer
The money and support with at least get him his chance in the spot light, we will see if he can cash in on it.
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SSG Intelligence Sergeant
Time put it best. You need at least $1 billion to buy the WH like Obama did.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Obama was installed. And campaign and election fraud played a major part in seeing him in there.
SSG Intelligence Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
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Sir, do you not think that is what happens every election?
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Cpl Jeff N.
Let's hope not...While I like Jeb and he was a good governor for my home state of Florida, I just don't think he can win. Should he win the nomination the media will turn on him and dredge up every Bushism known to man. They will compare him to his brother and father on every negative angle possible and help ensure the democrat/liberal wins.

I also grow weary of the PC approach to politics we have today. We do not need anyone trying to make everyone happy. We need someone to face the brutal reality, tell us about it and then move us toward real world solutions. What do I mean by brutal reality:

National debt of 18 trillion
Illegal immigration flooding the US with cheap labor hurting our poorest
A welfare state where spending on benefits continues to soar
A continued economic malaise/slow "recovery"
Enemies that do not respect or fear us
Friends that cannot really rely on us
Moral confusion on the homefront
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