Posted on Jan 30, 2018
Can I still wear black/gray Army Physical Fitness uniform off-duty and on/off post? Can I mix w/ civilians? Why/why not, by what reg/ALARACT?
Responses: 4
Sir, you are wanting to look at ALARACT 209/2014 for those answers. But from what I read,the IPFU (the old grays) and the APFUs (the new blacks) can not be worn together mixed. Since the wear out date has come and gone in regards to the gray IPFUs, you may wear them at your leisure....based on my understanding of the ALARACT and 670-1.
SGT Dave Tracy
MSG (Join to see) Agreed. The old greys are no longer an Army uniform. My contract ended in May, and I still waited until the wear-out date to wear them as civies; which is essentially what they are now in the eyes of Uncle Sam.
Sir, I honestly don't know why you would want to wear them off post. It makes you a potential target. Except when going between my car and home, I always did my best to not wear any uniform off post. Now that I'm out, I still wear my gray pt shirts, but only when I pt on post. When running off post, I try to wear another t-shirt that does not connect me to the Army.
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