Posted on Jan 21, 2023
Can I reenlist for active duty if my reserves reenlistment contract was never processed?
BLUF: I re-enlisted while active duty army to go to the reserves with the intention of immediately going on a deployment with my reserve unit. But my packet wasn’t processed correctly and I’m in the IRR now. I re-enlisted for the reserves in June 2022, I ETS’d november 15th 2022, with a start date of my reserve contract of NOV 16 2022. but because of the IPPS-A brownout my reenlistment packet was never processed properly and I was transferred to the IRR. My retention NCO told me to go to my gaining unit S1 about it. My gaining unit S1 told me they can’t do anything for me because I’m not showing up in the system. I contacted Army HRC and submitted a request to have it fixed but I can’t get any updates about it, nor has there been any action. Because of my packet not being routed properly, I lost Tricare prime coverage for myself and my family, can’t even get Tricare coverage under the reserves because technically I’m not in the reserves. At this point I’ve missed the deployment I was going to go on, i don’t have any health insurance, I don’t even have a chain of command i can go to for help, i can’t drill or use any of the benefits of the army reserve. Except for a reenlistment packet in my Iperms saying “i should be in the reserves” and a DD214 saying transfer to my gaining unit, legally speaking I’m in the IRR. because of all this hassle, I’m running out of options, can I just contact a recruiter and reenlist to go back to active duty since I’m technically in IRR? I have a signed reserves contract, but at this point it’s next to worthless because I can’t inprocess or do anything with the reserves.
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 4
I'm pretty sure the second MEPS opens your iperms and sees your RC contract they'll want an answer. But honestly you need to ask a recruiter, not people on the internet
SGT Christian Hague
I was hoping to engage the community and find someone who knows something because all retention NCO's and HRC folks I've talked to has simply said "we don't know why you're in the wrong unit there's nothing we can do sorry"
SFC (Join to see)
SGT Christian Hague if your question is how to get with your unit then someone here can probably help you. If your question is can you go into Active Duty Regular Army, then you need to talk to a Recruiter
COL Randall C.
SGT Christian Hague, regarding your TRICARE coverage, you SHOULD be covered under TAMP until mid-May 2023*. Have you confirmed that you don't have coverage by checking the Benefits (BWE) tab on milConnect*?
While the routing of your packet may have been screwed up, the agreement in place when you separated was that you were going into the selected reserves of the Army. As such, when your discharge orders were cut it should have been annotated that you have 180 days of transitional TRICARE coverage. Additionally, it seems almost common-place at many out-processing centers that they 'check that block' for the TAMP coverage.
If you are NOT listed as eligible in milConnect, double check your separation orders - there should be something in the additional instructions about "Transitional Health Care Benefits" being eligible until XX May 2023. If it is there, then simple fix if you go to your local RAPIDS site and get your DEERS record update.
If not, then you've got a bit more of a hill to climb. Talk to an individual at RAPIDS and see if they will update the DEERS record as being TAMP eligible with a copy of your RC enlistment contract (they may not). If they won't, then you'll have to have your separation orders changed --- and this might be a bridge too far for you right now as it would likely go though the same wringer that you're going through now with your RC contract.
While it won't address the RC contract, this should at least address your medical coverage until you can get the enlistment contract straightened out.
* TRICARE Transitional Assistance Management Program -
While the routing of your packet may have been screwed up, the agreement in place when you separated was that you were going into the selected reserves of the Army. As such, when your discharge orders were cut it should have been annotated that you have 180 days of transitional TRICARE coverage. Additionally, it seems almost common-place at many out-processing centers that they 'check that block' for the TAMP coverage.
If you are NOT listed as eligible in milConnect, double check your separation orders - there should be something in the additional instructions about "Transitional Health Care Benefits" being eligible until XX May 2023. If it is there, then simple fix if you go to your local RAPIDS site and get your DEERS record update.
If not, then you've got a bit more of a hill to climb. Talk to an individual at RAPIDS and see if they will update the DEERS record as being TAMP eligible with a copy of your RC enlistment contract (they may not). If they won't, then you'll have to have your separation orders changed --- and this might be a bridge too far for you right now as it would likely go though the same wringer that you're going through now with your RC contract.
While it won't address the RC contract, this should at least address your medical coverage until you can get the enlistment contract straightened out.
* TRICARE Transitional Assistance Management Program -
Transitional Assistance Management Program | TRICARE
Transitional Assistance Management Program
SGT Christian Hague
COL Randall C. - Thank you for the comment, after diving into it it was a IPPS-A computer glitch that deleted thousands of peoples health care
This is something that has to be delt with by you and the recruiter. If he is not response as to see the recruit NCOIC or Cdr. Not in a negative manner, but one that shows your determination and seriousness about it.
It appears as if you let a ball drop here or there yourself as well, you will not get anything for nothing, playing the waiting game as circumstances change, hoping it will come out right and floating is not the answer. Talk to the recruite take sone ownership and express your extreme desire to correct this situation with their help.
It appears as if you let a ball drop here or there yourself as well, you will not get anything for nothing, playing the waiting game as circumstances change, hoping it will come out right and floating is not the answer. Talk to the recruite take sone ownership and express your extreme desire to correct this situation with their help.
SGT Christian Hague
roger CSM, I'm not sure what steps I can take that I haven't. I didn't include all the emailing and phone calls I've done. I have tried to in-process my unit in person and email them weekly to see if they can access me in IPPS-A yet. I've emailed HRC (who doesn't respond), called HRC (they're teleworking so no answer) I got ahold of a supervisor who told me to call back but leaves me on read and doesn't return my calls. My recruiter sent it up on his end and cant take any more action with my packet. My issue is administratively I'm owned by the IRR who I cant get ahold of or contact to resolve my issue, while all the people who should be able to help me cant touch my profile because of IPPS-A rules.
CSM Darieus ZaGara
SGT Christian Hague [login to see] . This is the USAREC Commanders hotline. Leave a short message regarding your inability to gain assistance in resolving your issue. This is as high as it gets. You can also go to the USAREC site in order to work the Brigade responsible for your region. I hope this helps. If not let me know and I will see who I can stir up from my network. No guarantees, just support.
That the reason that back in the day, soldiers carried their field 201, finance file and health records with them. That how I got a casual pay on a 45-day leave en route to Fort Meade from RVN. I had my finance folder and took it to Fort Story and got paid. Not sure what they do today. Would make sure records not lost as has happened to this soldier
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