Posted on Jan 29, 2021
SGT Gunner
I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question. A little background: I submitted a WOFT packet but was FQ-NS last board and can’t afford to hold my breath on this current board. I do enjoy the Army and wish to make a career out of it yet, I hope to reclass into a job similar to what I would like to do on the civilian side. That being said, I am coming up on my reenlistment window but, looking at this latest Milper (21-004), it states that there must be a Y under the out column unless I choose to pursue a packet mos. I have a buddy who just got re-enlisted for 15T who currently holds the same mos as I. I am currently a 19D1P, I just passed last months promo board. If all goes well I hope to pick up by the time my window opens up. I’m wanting to reclass into the medical field. I’ve got a 114 GT and am 6 credits away from completing my Associates. I did reach out to our Battalion’s career counselor but was told I’m stuck unless I do a packet Mos. Is there a chance I’ll be able to reclass? Again, I apologize for any perceived arrogance. I’ve scoured for information and this is just a last ditch effort to get an answer.
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SFC Retired
You need to talk to you career planner. A lot depends on the density if the MOS you want and the density of the MOS you have. They’ll be your best bet.
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SFC Communications Chief (S6)
You really already have your answer. You're stuck unless you do a packet mos. Those, if you qualify, ignore your current mos strengths.
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SSG Emergency Action Controller / Ops Nco
You answered your own question. The only way out of your under-strength MOS is to reclass into a field that ignores those requirements.

At the time of this writing, the current IN/OUT call MILPER is 20-320. Soldiers may reclass into CMF 18, or MOS 12P, 17C, 17E, 25D, 25E, 31D, 35L, 37F, 38B, 79R (SSG only), 79S and 89D regardless of the In/Out calls for current PMOS.
SGT Gunner
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
Roger SGT. I have a buddy who is in the exact same MOS as me, same rank, TIS , and he was able to reclass into 15T (not a packet mos) which has been balanced for a while. We have also been under strength for a while so I was inquiring exactly about how he did it.
SSG Emergency Action Controller / Ops Nco
SSG (Join to see)
4 y
SGT (Join to see) - I'm unsure how that happened, unless he knew somebody that knew somebody. Those aren't usual, at least in my experiences. But if you can find a way, shoot for the stars.
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