Posted on Jan 12, 2015
SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
So here it goes..

Right now i am in limbo with re-enlisting or reserves compnent. I was originally suppose to get out with RCP benifits. I am on terminal leave for 90 days now from my ETS date. I was pinned e5 one day after i started leave. I put in the paper work to re-enelist bc since i was promoted i lose the RCP benefit from being a specialist. I havent had any ucmj actions against me in the 8+years ive been in.

I guess im looking to see if anyone else has gone thru the same thing or knows anyone that can shed some insight on the matter. Im currently waiting to have a sit-down with my commander to discuss all this sometime here as soon as possible.
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Responses: 3
CW5 Desk Officer
I'm assuming you are saying that you want to re-enlist or move to the Reserves, SGT (Join to see)? If you are on active duty now, that's a fairly easy decision, I would think. Do you want to remain on the active duty side or transition to the Reserves and look for another full-time job?

I would be asking myself what the outlook is for making Staff Sergeant. Is there a good chance? Or will I run into the RCP wall again in X-number of years? If there's a good chance of continuing to progress, I would stay active. If not, I would either get out or go Reserves, which would allow me to pursue a civilian career.
SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
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Yes I want to reenlist and stay Active army. From what I am hearing from my immediate supervisor is that it has already been decided that I cannot reenlist but with no reason. I had just got promoted on the 1st of this month but had started the process for reenlistment before then. I haven't heard anything from my 1SG or CDR on the matter. I do have an appt to speak with the commander tho in a couple days. my MOS became a STAR MOS this month so I guess I am a little confused as to why I would be able to get promoted from the command integrated list but denied reenlistment until I have spoken to CDR.

As far as the RCP goes I am now not eligible to receive because of my promotion to E5. it moves my RCP date to 14y TIS. I have been in contact with the reserves to open a position for me in a different mos which has been a pain because its been slow.

Even if none of these pan out for me I will always have aviation contract jobs I can go too. Being around the civilian side of my job almost everyday i have made some good connections. All-in-all this is why i am in limbo because everything all happen at once. i guess plans change.
CW5 Desk Officer
CW5 (Join to see)
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It's great that you have the civilian side to fall back on if necessary. Assuming the re-enlistment glitch is the 90-day deal, that you are outside your re-enlistment window. And I am also assuming you've been in close contact with your re-enlistment NCO. See if your CDR can pull any strings, what with your recent promotion. Good luck!
SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes that is one of the reasons I chose to work on aircraft. do my jobs in the military then have a great civilian jobs when I'm done.Even with being inside 90 days I could get an exception to policy letter from HRC if it came down to it. Thank you very much CW5 Scott Montgomery!
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SSG Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operator
so were you able to re-enlist within 90 days of ETS?
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SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
From AR 601-280 (Army Retention):
f. A Soldier in a transitional leave status awaiting ETS who changes his or her mind and desires reenlistment, may take the actions listed below:
(1) Soldiers last assigned to a continental United States (CONUS) installation are ineligible, but may return to that installation and apply for reenlistment as an exception to policy.
(2) Soldiers who departed an overseas command for the purpose of ETS are ineligible, but may return to the transition point where their records are located and apply for reenlistment under subparagraph g, below.
g. Soldiers in an overseas area who are fully qualified for reenlistment, but elect to depart the overseas command for separation processing, will not be allowed to reenlist once they depart the overseas area. These Soldiers will be processed for immediate separation from the Service upon arrival at the CONUS transition point. However, in exceptional cases, HRC, Retention and Reclassification Branch, may authorize reenlistment for Soldiers who meet all the conditions below. Soldiers will apply from the closest CONUS installation transition point.
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