Posted on May 9, 2018
CPT Steve Martin
A little background on me... I enlisted in the ANG while in college as an infantryman and earnd my blue cord. I then joined ROTC and was commissioned in MI with a branch detail to Infantry (my request). I earned my blue cord again as a lieutenant, and eventually served during wartime as both an infantry LT and an MI captain. I was temporarily medically retired, but was eventually severed after improving, but not enough to return to duty.

I know that because I served during wartime I am required to wear the last rank I held (captain). My preference is to wear my infantry branch insignia as I was infantry for 6 of the 9 years I was in and my blue cord is one of my prized possessions (equal to my EIB and MSM). Should I wear my last branch insignia or can I choose?

The reason I’m asking is my (new) wife and I are planning to renew our vows next year and she has never seen me in military uniform except in pictures. I plan to surprise her with my dress blues and I want them to be without a question accurate. She volunteers with veterans regularly and I don’t want my ignorance to offend the many vets that will attend.
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Responses: 21
MAJ Corporate Buyer
I respect that you're trying to do the right thing but at the end of the day, if it were me, I'd wear what I wanted to wear. This isn't a case of stolen valor or anything like that. You earned both, you'll be at a private ceremony, and no one you encounter is going to ask to see your discharge paperwork. When I retire, if I want to put my USMC chevrons on and strut around in them, I will. And all the RP warriors can talk about how wrong I am.
SP5 Peter Keane
SP5 Peter Keane
>1 y
You are the only one so far with the right answer.
MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Dude, you're retired do what you want you earned it, flaunt it.
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG(P) (Join to see) Care to elaborate there SSG?
1SG Nick Baker
1SG Nick Baker
5 y
I agree, its not stolen valor and your not a poser. It's not an official military event. You would not be the first or the last.
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COL Deputy G2
You wear what your discharge documents say you are. I was Infantry enlisted, then Aviation, MI, and now Cyber. I would were cyber - not by choice but because that is the branch I hold. You don’t get to pick favorites.
CPT Steve Martin
CPT Steve Martin
>1 y
I’m asking for the regs that address that, not opinion. Can you please point me to the right place? P,ease keep in mind I’ve been out of the service for 14 years and don’t have manuals to look through.
COL Deputy G2
COL (Join to see)
>1 y
Google ar 670-1.
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SGM Bill Frazer
Since you are retired- I think the choice is yours, tho folks are going to say go with the last one you were in.
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