Posted on Mar 18, 2023
SPC Psychological Operations Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 3
CPT Company Commander
Why wouldn't you just go to OCS? You would have to compete to get the scholarship. If I was on the board I would rather give the scholarship to someone that needed this and wouldn't have any other options. That is not saying you couldn't get the scholarship.
SPC Psychological Operations Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes, sir. To provide more context, I am gathering information to build a long-term career plan. The ultimate goal is to have a successful military career and achieve personal goals while benefiting the Army. I am currently researching the Green to Gold programs, AECP, and IPAP to determine if they are viable options for my future military career. If successful, I hope to become a commissioned U.S. Army officer in the Army Medical Corps. The information I hope to find will also help me decide whether to extend my obligation in my current MOS or reenlist. The Green to Gold program is helpful if I am not eligible for the AECP or IPAP, because I can find accelerated 2-year nursing or PA programs to complete while in service. I understand that completing the Green to Gold program does not necessarily mean I will be assigned to the medical corps or have a related job.

Regarding knowledge and education, I believe in lifelong learning and personal development, which align with some Army mindsets.

If possible, I would like to submit a packet to these programs, which allow enlisted service members to have career profession to commission as a U.S. Army officer and civilian career progression for when the service member decides to ETS and find a civilian job.

Unfortunately, I have read the respective MILPERS for these programs, and neither mentions any restrictions on enlisted service members who already hold degrees.

Lastly, submitting a packet for OCS is still an option for me, just I would like to see all the available options first.
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) I understand but there is already a program that you would qualify for. These programs are offered to a particular audience. You wouldn't be the particular audience desired for green to gold. I would recommend an OCS packet.
SPC Psychological Operations Specialist
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you, Sir.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) - What is your current degree? You are too late for this years IPAP board, but now you have a year to get your packet together. Have you been to the application website and see if you have all the boxes checked. If you have all the qualifications, IPAP would be the most straight forward way to go to an SP Commission and PA is an Active Duty school instead of ROTC.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Based on what I read on the website, I do not believe you would be able to apply. Or rather, I do not believe you would be accepted. For example:

G2G Active Duty Option: The Green to Gold Active Duty Option is a two-year program that provides eligible, Active Army enlisted Soldiers an opportunity to complete their first baccalaureate degree or first graduate degree and earn a commission as an Army Officer.

G2G Scholarship: The Green to Gold Scholarship Option provides eligible, Active Duty enlisted Soldiers an opportunity to complete their first baccalaureate degree or first graduate degree and earn a commission as an Army Officer.

Since you already have a Baccalaureate, a Graduate and a Masters, your best option would be OCS. Or, depending on what your degrees are in, Direct Commission. Find your nearest Officer Recruiter, or get in contact with an AMEDD Recruiter to see what your options are.,-U.S.%20Citizen%20(non&text=GT%20score%20of%20110%20or,bachelor's%20degree%20by%20this%20time.
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SSgt Christophe Murphy
Green to gold is a program to help troops pursue a degree and ultimately a commission.

If you already have a Graduate degree you would fall outside the scope/intent of the program and if chosen would be taking a seat from someone who doesn’t have an undergrad let alone a grad degree.

If you want to commission you should drop a package for OCS. That’s the shortest route and most logical. If you want to apply for medical officer pipelines there are different paths to take to have those conversations.
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