Posted on Nov 12, 2020
CW3 Dick McManus
No it can not. Explosions and incendiaries caused the collapse of the three World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. Dust weights some zero pounds. For more see this lecture about basic physics. [login to see] 77608&ref=notif&notif_id= [login to see] 53785&notif_t=live_video

And there is way more to learn.
3, 354 architects and engineers more than 15,000 scientists, including 52 Nobel laureates and 63 recipients of the National Medal of Science, some 320 skilled commercial of military pilots (Pilots for 9/11 Truth), and some 58 elected public officials are saying that scientific irrefutably evidence proves that the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings were destroyed by explosives and incendiaries.

Video classes Part 2, about the science of 9/11 truth
Part 3

Part 1

There is also a video of yellow colored steel dripping off the side of the south Twin Tower just before it collapsed. It is not aluminum metal because it is silver color as a liquid.
9/11 Whistleblower: Kevin Ryan former UL scientist

“But someone would have talked by now”

The 9/11 Commission whistleblowers

9/11 Whistleblower: Michael Springmann

9/11 Whistleblowers: William Rodriguez

The New Pearl Harbor revisited [login to see] 08442/UzpfSTcxOTg1MDYwMjpWSzoxMTM0MzkyMDQ2NzIwNzIz/

Analysis of the outer box columns being propelled outwardly away from the center core columns at too fast a speed or acceleration

Steel melts at 2,750 degree F. See the photo of yellow hot steel (2,192 F.) being removed from the WTC wreckage at

Fire Fighters for 9/11 truth [login to see] 2870/

We are in a war on science.
Posted in these groups: Cc21093a 9/11
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CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
OK I'll bite. Say it IS all true, what do you propose happens?
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
4 y
Nice to met you Jeff. First you should go to the website "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" and read what experts are saying> They have done one hell of a lot of research in the past 19 years at Be forward this is a very complex criminal conspiracy and their have been too many people posting ASSUMPTIONS on the internet. There are also experienced commercial who need to be listen to. Also be aware the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) was tasked by Congress to investigation why for the first time in history a steel high building collapsed due to only fire (World Trade Center building Seven). Never before nor after 9/11 has any steel high rise building collapsed due to fire and with molten steel found within the wreckage. I have been researching this crime for some 19 years, and I still am doing do. I learn something I was wrong about frequently. I have written two books on this criminal conspiracy. Best regards and be safe.
CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
4 y
I'm not arguing whether it is or isn't true, I'm asking what you would propose to happen if it indeed is as you and your sources say. Certain people go to jail? We change who is in the government? What? It's been 19 years.....not much we can do now.
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CW3 Dick McManus
The seismic signals propagating from New York City on September 11, 2001, recorded at Palisades (34 km) and published by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University (LDEO). The official LDEO interpretations of the seismic waves and concludes that the waves clearly point to pre-airplane impact explosions and pre-collapse explosions as the causes of the seismic signals. He reaches a similar conclusion for WTC 7.
They concluded that only strong explosives could be the cause of such seismic waves, in accordance with the observed low frequencies. According to the nature of the recorded waves we can propose a location of each explosive source. According to the presence of shear waves or the presence of Rayleigh waves only, we hypothesize a subterranean or a subaerial explosion occurred. The magnitude of an aerial explosion (an explosion higher than ground level within the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings) is insufficient to provide seismic waves at 34 km.

A 0.9 earthquake (seismic signal) occurred near the North Tower(WTC1) 14 seconds prior to the AA11 impacted, per NTSB data within the 9/11 Commission report. Or a strong subterranean explosion at the WTC1.

A 0.7 earthquake (seismic signal) occurred near the South Tower (WTC2) 17 seconds before the UA175 impacted per NTSB data, or a subaerial explosion at the WTC2. And one during the WTC7 collapse.

French geophysicist, Dr. André Rousseau, like Furlong and Ross, provided reasons to conclude that the signals that the official story attributed to airplane impacts had actually been caused by something else – which, as evidence documented in Point TT-8 suggests, was shocks, explosive in nature, that had occurred at the bases of the buildings. Rousseau further demonstrated that the wave details themselves were characteristic of such explosions, not of plane impacts or building collapses.

LDEO's attribution of the waveforms to plane impacts at the Twin Towers is that even if the impacts had been considerably more energetic, these signals (shock wave) could not have been generated by such impacts. The actual waves generated by the crashes had to have been deadened before hitting the ground. The recorded (seismic) waves are not linked to the plane crashes but to another origin. Further, the difference in the magnitude of the two signals prior to an airplane impact in both WTC buildings, can only be linked to differences in the volume of explosives and/or their distance below the surface of the ground.

Given that neither the airplane crashing into the towers, nor the vibration of the towers due to airplane impacts, nor the fall of debris hitting the ground, can be the source of the seismic waves registered 34 kilometers away. Also the fact is the low frequencies of those waves could not have been generated by these phenomena. Only explosions could produce the waves observed.

Also witnesses and a video observation confirm LDEO’s conclusions that subaerial explosions close to the times of airplane impacts on WTC1 and WTC2. There are a total 37 witnesses to the basement explosions. William Rodriguez testified before the 9/11 Commission that he and his co-workers experienced explosions in the basements and about an injured co-worker.

Times of the airplane impacts used in the above analysis came from the 9/11 Commission come from radar at ground level and are based on the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) data. They are the only reliable times because they are based on ground radar data which do not involve any hypothetical assumptions. They are reliable to one second.

As a consequence, LDEO draw the conclusion that the three buildings were demolished by a controlled process. (Source: Dr. Andre Rousseau, November 1, 2012)

And NIST hired LDEO to re-analyze the seismic data, but they will not make their paper public.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
4 y
Yes, nano-thermite was made by Lawrence Livermore Labs for the DoD and militarized anthrax used in the letters noting connection to the 9/11 terrorist, it was made by the US biological labs.

The FBI did not do a DNA analysis of the Dugway produced anthrax samples (RMS-1029). Bruce Ivans had some anthrax in a flask (a glass container) that contained RMS-1029 and he got it from Dugway Proving grounds, (Dugway anthrax). Within Ivans’ flask in addition to containing RMS-1029 and it contained a different kind of anthrax. This kind of anthrax Ivans made up himself. Both kinds were classified as “wet anthrax.”

The anthrax sent in the first set of letters (postmark dated September 18, 2001) was RMS-1029 and its DNA was tested. This attack anthrax had a specific and rare mutation in its DNA. Therefore, there was at least 200 people who had access to the RMS-1029 anthrax, but the FBI did not search all the locations where this RMS-1029 anthrax could be found, and then the FBI should have, BUT DID NOT tested all anthrax at all locations to determine if its DNA had the specific fingerprint or characteristic.

In the first series of anthrax attack letters there was also found a bacteria called bacillus subtilis. Bacillus subtilis is a common contaminate in production runs at Dugway when they made anthrax. Dugway was making anthrax in their effort to produce a vaccine. But the FBI tested the bacillus subtilis and found a specific species of it, but they could not find samples of anthrax that contained any of this species of bacillus subtilis.

Also the first wave of letters containing anthrax also had silicon but most of the silicon was outside the anthrax spores. RMS-1029 contained no silicon, therefore that ruled out Bruce Ivans as a suspect.. The second wave of anthrax attack letters (dated October 9, 2001) also contain silicon, but most of it was inside the spores. It was pointed out to US Congress people that the silicon and the bacillus subtilis pointed to someone else other than Bruce Ivans. At a September 2008 Congressional hearing FBI Director Mueller was asked how he had rule out Dugway Proving Ground in central Utah; Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio from the list of suspects, and several months later Mueller responded to the Congressional committee with a response that makes no sense.

Former FBI agent, Richard L. Lambert, who ran the anthrax investigation for four years, filed a lawsuit accusing the bureau and the Justice Department of forcing his dismissal from a job as senior counterintelligence officer ... in retaliation for his dissent on the anthrax case.

After Bruce Ivans died the FBI knew the anthrax had not come from Fort Detrick.
The equipment to make such high-tech (dry) anthrax does not exist at Fort Detrick, where Ivins worked. People who work at Fort Detrick have confirmed this. In other words, a lone scientist couldn't have done it without the support of a whole government laboratory. And Fort Detrick was not one such potential laboratory.
Richard O. Spertzel said,"In my opinion, there are maybe four or five people in the whole country who might be able to make this stuff, and I'm one of them," And even with a good lab and staff to help run it, it might take me a year to come up with a product as good." In addition, scientists at Ft. Detrick say that no one there had the equipment or knowledge to make weaponized anthrax of the type used in the letters.

In February 2011, a National Academies of Sciences (NAS) report was critical of the FBI’s scientific investigation. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, nonprofit organization of the country’s leading researchers.

And let us not forget that on September 30, 2001, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card made a public statement, that terrorists organization like al Qaeda probably have found the means to us biological or chemical warfare. The same day, Sec/Def. Rumsfeld said terrorist could be equipped with the state sponsors with weapons of mass destruction. And on the same day, Tommy Thompson Secretary of Health and Human Services stated spoke on CBS of a “bioterrorist attack.”This was before anyone knew about the anthrax letter attacks.

William Patrick, a former top bio-scientist at Ft. Detrick and close colleague of former Giuliani OEM Director Jerry Hauer, was the mentor of initial FBI ‘person of interest’ in the anthrax attacks Steven Hatfill. Patrick holds five classified patents and trade secrets, including on how to hyper-weaponize anthrax to the 1 trillion spores per gram contained in the letters mailed to Democratic Congressional leaders Senators Daschle and Leahy. After leaving Ft. Detrick, he was contracted by Battelle to research and write a report on how mailed letters could be used as the vector for dispersing weaponized anthrax.

On Sept. 9, two days before 9/11, Battelle contractor DIA announced the ‘success’ of Project Jefferson’s anthrax hyper-weaponization program. Following the Sept./Oct. 2001 letter mailings, some of which were reported to contain anthrax at 1 trillion spores per gram, a footnote in Patrick’s report stating that “We have now arrived at the point where we can purify [anthrax] to the extent of 1 trillion spores in a gram” was removed from publicly available copies.

William Patrick worked with his close colleague and friend, former Soviet bio-weapons expert Ken Alibek, at Battelle, which also ran Project Clear Vision, a secret CIA program to reverse engineer dry-powder anthrax bombs produced by the former Soviet Union. Patrick and Alibek were the FBI’s first suspects in the anthrax attacks, but the initial FBI investigative team was taken off that focus and replaced by a new team that diverted attention to Hatfill. Director Mueller himself assured a Senator that the FBI “was not investigating, nor intending to investigate, anyone with, or formerly with, BMI [Battelle]."

Battelle is also a contractual partner with BioPort and Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC), and directs the anthrax production and experimentation program at the Army’s Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, the second home in addition to Ft. Detrick of the Ames strain contained in the letters. Hauer and Hatfill worked together at SAIC.

Given the timing, it is now almost certain that the U.S. government insider anthrax attacks were used as the pretext for President Bush’s illegal warrantless domestic wiretap program for which he signed the first ‘authorization’ on Oct. 23, 2001 – right in the middle of the anthrax terror.

The fact that the Administration continued its secret and illegal domestic spying program long after its was publicly known that the anthrax attacks were the work of one of its own inside military facilities is strong evidence the perpetrators were the same high level officials who used the attacks to justify their illegal surveillance program – the White House itself.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
4 y
I am charging Ted Olson with lying to the FBI
and the FBI and/or DoJ with covering up this crime.
After 9/11, the FBI interviewed Solicitor General of the United States Ted Olson called the FBI to report that his wife Barbara Olson had called him twice from Flight AA77 that crashed into the Pentagon. Either he lied or he was duped by someone using voice-morphing technology pretending to be his wife.
At first he FBI falsely insisted there were 13 mobile phone calls made from some of hijacked airplanes, but later at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, they changed their story to just two phone calls.

In 2006 the FBI presented evidence at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui (the alleged 20th hijacker). FBI exhibit P200054, from his trial showing that Barbara Olson made only one phone call -- it did not connect, and it lasted for 0 seconds. There were no billing records for these two alleged calls.
All the alleged cell phone calls are impossible because at an altitude of six miles up in the air (some 25,000 to 35,000 feet) a radio signal from a cell phone is too weak. Furthermore flying at 400 to 500 mph would not give the cell phone’s radio signal a chance to connect with cell phone towers on the ground. It takes a second or two to connect to the new cell phone tower, do a hand-shake as it is called. By the time, one handshake is completed to a tower, the jet has flown out of radio range and the call has to start all over to try doing another hand-shake.

According to AT&T spokesperson Alexa Graf, cell phones are not designed for calls from the high altitudes at which most airliners normally operate. Graf said, “It was a miracle that any of the calls got through from that altitude. An aircraft fuselage’s aluminum skin tend to block or attenuate electromagnetic radiation, radio frequency signals. One can make a cell phone call from inside an aircraft while on the ground because the weakened signal is still close enough to the nearest cell site to picked up the signal. Once above 10,000 feet, however, calls rarely get through, if ever.”
Here is the statement of an experienced airline pilot: “The idea of being able to use a cell phone while flying is completely impractical. Once through about 10,000 feet, the thing is useless, since you are too high and moving too fast for the phone to provide a signal.” (AVWeb, 1999)
Ted Olson (June 2001 to July 2004) and he told news agencies that his wife Barbara called him and that she told him that AA77 was being hijacked, and the hijackers had knives and box cutters. This is the only evidence that the hijackers allegedly had those weapons.

Olson falsely alleged his wife told him that the hijackers were not aware of her phone call, and that they had put all the passengers in the back of the plane. About a minute into the conversation, the call was cut off. He also said, shortly after the first call, Barbara telephoned him again and reported that the pilot had announced that the flight had been hijacked. She asked him what she should tell the captain to do. Ted Olson said he asked her for the location of the airplane and she replied that the aircraft was then flying over houses. Another passenger told her they were traveling northeast. Ted Olson than says he informed his wife of the two previous airplane crashes into the Twin Towers. She did not display signs of panic and did not indicate any awareness of her airplane was going to crash. At that point, the second call was cut off." (The 9/11 Commission Report) (

Late in the day on 9/11, CNN put out this lie told by Ted Olson

A copy of the FBI’s report of their interview of Ted Olson was released per a FOIA request. See:

In 2006, an American Airlines representative, in response to a query said, “We do not have (seatback or GTE Airfones) phones on our Boeing 757.”

So my question for you is why didn’t the FBI charge Ted Olson for lying to the FBI?
Lying to a federal official can get you five years in jail.

Video for the Ted Olsen lie.

Remember General Flynn was convicted of lying to the FBI.
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