Posted on Dec 10, 2015
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
This is one of those old posts that I place out here in the early days back in 2015 and since then Doug MacDonald has passed away. May he rest in peace.

Check out this video provided by a great Civilian Supporter Doug Macdonald and his article below! Save this one on your desktop - great song and tribute to our veterans! Send to a friend or a veteran that could use some cheer!

Seek To Understand.

While too many of our veterans are spending this month protecting our freedom to celebrate the holidays, remembering them and their families sacrifices during this joyous season is the greatest gift you can give. Let us not forget the majority of veterans who will celebrate this holiday season with their families here at home. While their smiles are for their family & friends, they never forget.

How many holidays did they spend away from family and friends? They remember every one. That feeling of separation from the ones you love, especially during the holidays, you never forget.

Families and friends of veterans, take extra time this holiday season to be understanding of our veterans that are transitioning or have successfully transitioned here at home. While this time of year can be joyous for veterans it can also be a reminder of holidays missed.

As a civilian survivor of post-traumatic stress, I remember every holiday I spent in the hospital, 3 to be exact, as they amputated my legs piece by piece. This time of year reminds me of holidays missed, so I try to focus on celebrating each and every day of the holiday season with family and friends and leave the past as memories.

We will never forget. Times of year can be triggers we have to be aware of and it's all right to remember but not to dwell on. "Why look back? That's not the direction you are going".

Have a joyous holiday season. One day at a time. Thank you, to veterans and their families, for all you have done and will do.

Doug Macdonald is a contributor at Phase 2 Advantage, an instructional design and publishing company in GA. Doug is an experienced C-Suite Executive retired, Professional Golfer retired and now dedicates his life working with others, to help them through the reintegration process.

Doug has 35 years of experience as a successful entrepreneur and has launched numerous successful startups. You’re invited to connect with Doug on LinkedIn, Amazon, Twitter and by Email.
Edited 5 y ago
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Responses: 14
LTC Stephen F.
Edited 9 y ago
COL Mikel J. Burroughs we can and should celebrate veterans being home for the holidays. I hope and pray that each service member and veteran is able to either be "home" or communicate with loved ones at home throughout the holiday season.
Doug Macdonald
Doug Macdonald
9 y
I live to see the day that every veteran can spend holidays with those they love.
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PO3 Brad Phlipot
Believing this was a music video I eagerly clicked to watch, the song is so true it left me with tears on my cheeks, thank you for sharing.
Doug Macdonald
Doug Macdonald
9 y
Thank you & your loved ones for all you have done.
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SSG Leo Bell
Yes we should. It's a special thing when that family member gets to come back and spend time with the family
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