Posted on Sep 9, 2020
Can an enlisted ARNG cadet receive both the SMP kicker and the GI Bill kicker?
My son is enlisted in the ARNG and qualified for the GI Bill Kicker. He is also in Army ROTC at college and planning to contract non-scholarship this spring. I see there is an SMP kicker also. We are wondering if he can use his Ch 1606 GI Bill ($397) with his enlistment contracted GI Bill kicker ($350), but then also receive the SMP kicker ($350) once that is setup. No one seems to be able to answer this question in his ROTC unit or ARNG unit.
My own research seems to point to the GI Bill kicker not being valid any longer per NGB Form 594-1 "Upon acceptance into SMP, I am not eligible to continue in the ARNG Incentive Program."
Any thoughts?
My own research seems to point to the GI Bill kicker not being valid any longer per NGB Form 594-1 "Upon acceptance into SMP, I am not eligible to continue in the ARNG Incentive Program."
Any thoughts?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I’ve actually never heard of an SMP kicker. I was a non-scholarship cadet as well that was SMP. I received my GI Bill monthly and the $450 stipend from ROTC monthly.
SPC (Join to see)
GI Bill kicker is for scoring above a certain level on the ASVAB. SMP Kicker is something for Enlisted ARNG soldiers in ROTC who sign the SMP contract with their units. ROTC stipend at his college is different based on your year level in ROTC. He would still get the stipend once contracted.
1LT Kevin Chapman
I’m familiar with the GI BILL KICKER. From my understanding from when I initially contracted as a cadet in spring 2019 they no longer do the pay of the stipend based on your classification. It’s a flat rate of $420. $210 on the 1st and 15th each month. SPC (Join to see)
Ask the VA. Since Veterans Administration runs GI Bill program, one of its counselors may be able to answer your question about it
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