Posted on Oct 11, 2015
Bergdahl to avoid a court martial because Maj. Gen. Kenneth Dahl spent a day and a half with him?
So after a completed 15-6 investigation after a walk off the FOB, after all of the testimony of the other Soldiers in his unit, after all of the SMs harmed while out searching for him, Maj. Gen. Dahl spends an hour and a half with him and is convinced that he shouldn't go to jail and that everyone else up to him had been wrong? This can't be true, please tell me it isn't true?
My apologies to all, the article said that BG Dahl spent a day and a half, not an hour and a half. My apologies, but that still does not change my stance since I was in Afghanistan when this happened and saw a lot of my buddies get effed up following cell chatter into a ambush.;_ylt=AwrTcdI0lRpWIM4AEp4PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByb2lvbXVuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--
My apologies to all, the article said that BG Dahl spent a day and a half, not an hour and a half. My apologies, but that still does not change my stance since I was in Afghanistan when this happened and saw a lot of my buddies get effed up following cell chatter into a ambush.;_ylt=AwrTcdI0lRpWIM4AEp4PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByb2lvbXVuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 39
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
I gave you a "thumbs up" because your comment made me laugh at a topic that is most certainly NOT funny to me. Thanks MAJ Keira Brennan
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
Considering how many high ranking officials have been removed, I am sure this was a call by someone else...
He must have gotten REAL good at sucking dick while he was "captive". Hopefully someone somewhere has a precision rifle and an ironclad alibi
All I had to see was that performance in the WH rose garden with the goofy Hippie parents (remember Papa Pashto with his beard). Pretty much summed it all up for me. I hope all the people who have jumped on board the "poor misunderstood Bergdahl" train are happy with whatever they have gotten as a result of "playing ball". This whole thing stinks as far as I am concerned.
It would be ignorant and naive to assume the public has all the information concerning Sgt Bergdahl. If that's what was decided, that's what you'll have to accept.
As long it can be established he did not seek to join/aid the Taliban,I always thought an article 15 with a two pay grade demotion, a forfeiture of pay during his time of capture and an admin separation was enough.
He did 5 years as a captive in a really austere environment. He got to think about his stupid decision the whole time. That's both justice and punishment in my book.
He did 5 years as a captive in a really austere environment. He got to think about his stupid decision the whole time. That's both justice and punishment in my book.
Even if he does not one minute of prison time, his life in Idaho will certainly be an interesting one. There are many in this state that support him, but there are also MANY in this state that want to pay him a personal visit. And this state has A LOT of veterans. So, even if he avoids prison, life for him in Idaho will not be easy and pleasant.
Tough one... He was away for 5 years... so it could be considered time served. I do think he should lose all pay allowances and benefits...
SGT (Join to see)
Capt Jeff S. - I agree. But what we paid in ransom is the only thing Bergdahl cannot be blamed for since he didn't chose it. But he does need to pay - doubtlessly so.
Capt Jeff S.
Obama can be blamed for that -- and it isn't GW's fault either. Obama knowingly AND DELIBERATELY broke the law when he neglected to inform Congress of the prisoner swap. He knew Congress would say "No" so he just did what he wanted (because he wants his legacy to include closing Guantanamo), circumvented Congress with his pen and phone, and dared Congress to impeach him... because THAT would be racist!!!
No, that would be PATRIOTIC. That poser that SOME of you call (p)Resident is completely undeserving of the office and title he holds. He is a usurper... a lying fraud who took advantage of the stupidity of the Democratic voting base and, along with ample amounts of election fraud, and the help of the Progressive lamestream media, duped voters with empty promises of Hope and Change. It's bad enough and almost forgiveable that voters elected him once. They had no idea that Bush was telling the truth about the WMD in Iraq. But to elect him twice? After scandal after scandal, no record of accomplishment, no budget his entire first term, etc. What are you? STOOPID?!!!
I'm no fan of G.W., but to be fair, he did get boned by the press. The press is controlled by progressives who use their money and media influence to push their progressive/liberal/socialist agenda on America. Who better than an articulate black man, sympathetic to the progressive LGBT agenda, whom people couldn't challenge [out of fear of being labeled racist, far right loon, domestic terrorist, etc.] to do it! They wanted him in first and then Hillary could have her turn. We the People are getting played like the fools we are (well, about 1/2 of us anyway) and it's about time people woke up to what these folks are doing to our country. We have two parties but one "Progressive" entity controlling both of them. We only get to choose the flavor of Kool-Aid we drink. The public is slowly waking up to this nonsense and rejecting it. The Democratic Party sold out long ago and is dominated by Progressives. It's no longer the same party that JFK knew. And the GOP is split between Establishment GOP progressives and Constitutional Libertarians with REAL conservative values. As far as I'm concerned, they are the TRUE patriots and they recognize the danger America is facing.
America's future is being dictated by Globalist Progressives. They control our country's wealth, media, education, food supply and health care. America's economy is heavily influenced by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has turned America from a once prospering nation to one that is mired in so much debt that it will take generations to dig us out of it. The Progressive media feeds us garbage and calls it entertainment. They are infecting society with their sick and twisted morality. Up is down and down is up in Progressive town. Everything traditional, healthy, and good is being replaced with their vain, humanistic, socially and morally bankrupt progressive ideals. Note that those Progressives in power think they have a mandate to think for us. They know what's best for us and even if the majority is against it, we better get used to it because that's just how it is.
They have made a mockery of our elections and gave us electronic voting machines that can be programmed to spit out the results they want. They want Big Brother snooping on all our communications so that we can't mount up a resistance. They want a disarmed society that can't fight back. They are educating kids with Common Core, dumbing down the curriculum and teaching our kids to be stupid, passive, compliant little socialist sheep in our schools. They want to control our healthcare and what we eat. They make us sick so that they can profit by making us healthy, but if we aren't deemed worth it by the bean counters, we can be terminated. They promote things like abortion and the gay lifestyle because it fits with their UN Agenda 21 goal of depopulating the planet to a "sustainable' 500 million people. They want wars which they can profit off while reducing the world's population. But WHO gets to decide who stays and who goes? A one world gov't that rules the planet where countries are no more and borders are a thing of the past? Is the world in for a global epidemic? We go and only those whom they deem fit stay? I don't think so. Not without a fight! And I don't plan on seeing my country go down the tubes thanks to these clowns.
We are at a tipping point and what happens in the next few years will determine the world's future in a big way. We just need to wrestle control of our gov't back from these clowns and go after them. These evil people should be hunted down and dealt with accordingly... starting with Obama and his circle, and after we figure out who's pulling their strings (the New World Order globalists, Secret Societies, etc.), we go after them and so on until we've rid the world of their evil influence.
No, that would be PATRIOTIC. That poser that SOME of you call (p)Resident is completely undeserving of the office and title he holds. He is a usurper... a lying fraud who took advantage of the stupidity of the Democratic voting base and, along with ample amounts of election fraud, and the help of the Progressive lamestream media, duped voters with empty promises of Hope and Change. It's bad enough and almost forgiveable that voters elected him once. They had no idea that Bush was telling the truth about the WMD in Iraq. But to elect him twice? After scandal after scandal, no record of accomplishment, no budget his entire first term, etc. What are you? STOOPID?!!!
I'm no fan of G.W., but to be fair, he did get boned by the press. The press is controlled by progressives who use their money and media influence to push their progressive/liberal/socialist agenda on America. Who better than an articulate black man, sympathetic to the progressive LGBT agenda, whom people couldn't challenge [out of fear of being labeled racist, far right loon, domestic terrorist, etc.] to do it! They wanted him in first and then Hillary could have her turn. We the People are getting played like the fools we are (well, about 1/2 of us anyway) and it's about time people woke up to what these folks are doing to our country. We have two parties but one "Progressive" entity controlling both of them. We only get to choose the flavor of Kool-Aid we drink. The public is slowly waking up to this nonsense and rejecting it. The Democratic Party sold out long ago and is dominated by Progressives. It's no longer the same party that JFK knew. And the GOP is split between Establishment GOP progressives and Constitutional Libertarians with REAL conservative values. As far as I'm concerned, they are the TRUE patriots and they recognize the danger America is facing.
America's future is being dictated by Globalist Progressives. They control our country's wealth, media, education, food supply and health care. America's economy is heavily influenced by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has turned America from a once prospering nation to one that is mired in so much debt that it will take generations to dig us out of it. The Progressive media feeds us garbage and calls it entertainment. They are infecting society with their sick and twisted morality. Up is down and down is up in Progressive town. Everything traditional, healthy, and good is being replaced with their vain, humanistic, socially and morally bankrupt progressive ideals. Note that those Progressives in power think they have a mandate to think for us. They know what's best for us and even if the majority is against it, we better get used to it because that's just how it is.
They have made a mockery of our elections and gave us electronic voting machines that can be programmed to spit out the results they want. They want Big Brother snooping on all our communications so that we can't mount up a resistance. They want a disarmed society that can't fight back. They are educating kids with Common Core, dumbing down the curriculum and teaching our kids to be stupid, passive, compliant little socialist sheep in our schools. They want to control our healthcare and what we eat. They make us sick so that they can profit by making us healthy, but if we aren't deemed worth it by the bean counters, we can be terminated. They promote things like abortion and the gay lifestyle because it fits with their UN Agenda 21 goal of depopulating the planet to a "sustainable' 500 million people. They want wars which they can profit off while reducing the world's population. But WHO gets to decide who stays and who goes? A one world gov't that rules the planet where countries are no more and borders are a thing of the past? Is the world in for a global epidemic? We go and only those whom they deem fit stay? I don't think so. Not without a fight! And I don't plan on seeing my country go down the tubes thanks to these clowns.
We are at a tipping point and what happens in the next few years will determine the world's future in a big way. We just need to wrestle control of our gov't back from these clowns and go after them. These evil people should be hunted down and dealt with accordingly... starting with Obama and his circle, and after we figure out who's pulling their strings (the New World Order globalists, Secret Societies, etc.), we go after them and so on until we've rid the world of their evil influence.
Capt Jeff S.
Sounds like a bunch of right wing conspiracy doesn't it. Right wingers were saying the same thing when Obama got elected and most people didn't believe he was ineligible and bad for the country then. Liberals were just too damn lazy to check and now we're all sleeping in the bed they made. Now the Right is looking pretty darn smart because everything Conservatives warned about is coming to pass. Obama is just one guy, but he's the tip of the iceberg and there's a lot more that we aren't seeing. Rest assured, Obama's dirt is going to get exposed and those who supported him won't be able to find enough rocks to crawl under.
If you were/are gullible enough to believe all the crap you were promised and voted for this mess, you might want to bone up your social IQ a few points and get better and sniffing out lies when they are being told to you. We don't have to tolerate lying politicians shredding our Constitution, taking away our God-given rights, and giving up our national sovereignty to international authority.
We should be lighting fires in Washington DC and DEMANDING that Congress start doing what it was elected to do. Among its duties: Take back control of our monetary system (abolish the Federal Reserve). Represent those that elected you and get rid of the Special Interests' influence peddling in Washington. Ferret out corruption in government... and impeach and investigate those found guilty of corruption and gross negligence/incompetence. Hillary, Holder, Lerner, Reid, Pelosi, Obama, Boehner, McConnell, Roberts, Ginsberg would all be out of jobs if Congress had been doing its job. And if those we elect are incapable of doing that, recall them and find someone else who can!!!
Thomas Jefferson in his wisdom foresaw that it was just a matter of time before our government was corrupted with politicians who were elected because they promised to give the most from the public treasury to those that voted for them. He knew that Democracies typically only lasted 150 years, and he, along with other Founding Fathers, did their best to give us a means to overthrow a tyrannical gov't that no longer represents the people's interests. It's why we have the Bill of Rights, and more specifically, our 2nd Amendment. I am not advocating insurrection; I am advocating restoration... a return to the vision and Constitution as interpreted by our Founding Fathers. Hopefully, we can achieve that by peaceful means at the voting booth, but if we have lost our ability to have free and fair elections, then it is incumbent upon every patriot to uphold their sworn duty to the Constitution to protect it... and that includes those in the military. If the Congress we elected is rendered incapable of performing its duty to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC, then the burden falls back on us, as citizens and patriots to make sure our Constitution is protected.
“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” ― Thomas Jefferson
If you were/are gullible enough to believe all the crap you were promised and voted for this mess, you might want to bone up your social IQ a few points and get better and sniffing out lies when they are being told to you. We don't have to tolerate lying politicians shredding our Constitution, taking away our God-given rights, and giving up our national sovereignty to international authority.
We should be lighting fires in Washington DC and DEMANDING that Congress start doing what it was elected to do. Among its duties: Take back control of our monetary system (abolish the Federal Reserve). Represent those that elected you and get rid of the Special Interests' influence peddling in Washington. Ferret out corruption in government... and impeach and investigate those found guilty of corruption and gross negligence/incompetence. Hillary, Holder, Lerner, Reid, Pelosi, Obama, Boehner, McConnell, Roberts, Ginsberg would all be out of jobs if Congress had been doing its job. And if those we elect are incapable of doing that, recall them and find someone else who can!!!
Thomas Jefferson in his wisdom foresaw that it was just a matter of time before our government was corrupted with politicians who were elected because they promised to give the most from the public treasury to those that voted for them. He knew that Democracies typically only lasted 150 years, and he, along with other Founding Fathers, did their best to give us a means to overthrow a tyrannical gov't that no longer represents the people's interests. It's why we have the Bill of Rights, and more specifically, our 2nd Amendment. I am not advocating insurrection; I am advocating restoration... a return to the vision and Constitution as interpreted by our Founding Fathers. Hopefully, we can achieve that by peaceful means at the voting booth, but if we have lost our ability to have free and fair elections, then it is incumbent upon every patriot to uphold their sworn duty to the Constitution to protect it... and that includes those in the military. If the Congress we elected is rendered incapable of performing its duty to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC, then the burden falls back on us, as citizens and patriots to make sure our Constitution is protected.
“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” ― Thomas Jefferson
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