Posted on Apr 24, 2015
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
Liberalism image
A peculiar thing is beginning to take place in liberal circles. Slowly but surely, liberals are coming to the realization that their conservative counterparts may have not been so crazy after all when it came to Political Correctness; the true endgame of the LGBT movement is an erie new landscape of illiberal intolerance. Fortunately, some liberal journalists are taking action in defense of liberty!
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 5
SrA Kelly Richard
It makes it really difficult to have a logical discussion, when you're not allowed to have opinions or your life is threatened if you disagree.
CPT Battalion S 1 Oic
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
I feel the same thing whenever I read one of the millions of posts about people crying discrimination over people saying they shouldn't discriminate.
SFC Robert Allen
SFC Robert Allen
10 y
My argument to this whole thing is that the disparate groups claiming discrimination are actually discriminating. There is no list of stores and/or services that are white, straight, etc. There are lists of LGBT stores that LBGT people should shop at, but it would be discrimination if a straight white person did the same. There are gay only award shows, where only those of the LGBT community can reeive recognition, but a straight only award show would be called discrimination. In the early 80s black people claimed discrimination that Mtv only played videos by white people, but a year later they launched the Blacks only network (BET.) White people couldn't sue that network to make them play more movies made by white folks.

My argument here is that these little groups of "minorities" claim they want equality, what they really want is special treatment. I say equality = equal. If you want marital equality fine, be maritally equal, but don't expect special treatment. If you want racial equality, fine be equal, but don't behave in a racist way towards those who are your equals.

The POTUS made some pretty offensive racially toned comments through the use of his "Anger surrogate" last week, but it's not racist if a black guy does it to a white guy, right? No, equal means equal. If a white guy kills a black guy, it's a hate crime, if a black guy kills a white guy, it's a crime. This is absolutely the wrong mindset. Equality for all, not special treatment for some at the expense of others.
MSG Sally Kennedy
MSG Sally Kennedy
10 y
Very well stated, Rob.
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TSgt Weather
I'm going to use some strong language here, but I think it's necessary to properly convey my point.

Why is it our society can generally agree that a person in a position of authority or influence should not say something like:

"We ought to send all those wetbacks back to Mexico and shoot 'em at the border if they try to come back." or "Nothing good has come out of the Middle East since those pedophile-worshiping rag-heads took over."

Yet, we collectively shuffle our feet and look the other way when someone in a position of authority or influence says something like: "We ought to round up all the faggots and stick 'em in camps."

Why is it we have no problem censoring pejoratives with race, religion, ethnicity, etc, but sexuality is still in open season? Better yet, why is it suddenly too "PC" or "intolerant of free ideas" to even suggest that sexuality be given the same?
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SFC Mark Merino
Edited 10 y ago
I just posted a hot one for the community as well. Let's see which one of us gets the most down

At least the community will be engaged.
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